Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Title of Product
I Thınk My Child has a Learnıng Dısabılıty. What Should I Do ?
Image of the product
Name of Author(s)
Name of Producer
The National Center for Learning Disabilities
Date of Production
Language of the review
Type of product
Thematic Area
Students with learning difficulties
Target Group
Headmasters, Teachers, Parents
Description of Contents
This video contains some advices about the situation if parents are concerned about their childrens whether they have a learning disability or not. Learning disabilities are real and one should act as fast as possible if ‘LD’ is recognized on a child. Following steps should be considered in such a case:
1. Parents should write down about their child’s struggle with learning
2. They should request their child’s teachers and other school personnel do to the same
3. Lastly, they should come together in order to compare notes and discuss the next steps.
Parents should act as fast as possible if they suspect any learning disability. Learning disabilities are real and they do not go away naturally.
This video gives a brief advise about suspected learning disabilities on children. The content is well organised and the procedure is demonstrated in easy understandable steps. The video highlights the fact that parents should not wait in such a case and the expert in the video is explaining that learning disabilities are a serious concern and won’t dissappear in a child’s life. The main advice here is, parents have to gather as much as information about learning disabilites as they can and they should write down every point where their children have struggle with learning. Another important fact which is touched on is that the parents should also request their children’ teachers and other school personnel to do the same. With the help of the collected information, the parents and also the school personnel have to come together and discuss the next best possible ways in order to facilitate the learning process of their children with learning disabilities.

20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.