Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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 Found 83 Publication(s)

“Abandonul școlar. Cauze, soluții, statistici și obiective Uniunii Europene” n/a
“Dropout. Causes, solutions, statistics and European Union objectives” n/a
“Estimarea dimensiunii fenomenului de abandon şcolar folosind metodologia analizei pe cohortă" Mihaela Jigău, Ciprian Fartuşnic (Coord.) Otilia Apostu, Magda Balica, Bogdan Florian, Irina Horga, Lucian Voinea
“Estimation of the size of the school dropout phenomenon using the analysis methodology on cohort” Mihaela Jigău, Ciprian Fartuşnic (Coord.) Otilia Apostu, Magda Balica, Bogdan Florian, Irina Horga, Lucian Voinea
“Guideline for the early detection and intervention with children at risk” Ana González Menéndez; José Ramón Fernández Hermida; Roberto Secades (Coords.) Otros autores colaboradores: José Pedro Espada Sánchez; Xavier Méndez Carrillo; Mireia Orgilés Amorós; Mafalda Santos Fano; Ana Arranz Velasco; Julio Antonio Puente; Jorge Fernández del Valle; Cesareo Fernández Gómez; Amador Clafat Far; Montserrat Juan Jerez.
“Intervention plan for dropout prevention, taking as its starting point the conclusions drawn from cognitive-behavioral therapy” Craciun Anca
“L’abbandono scolastico” Olga Liverta Sempio, Emanuela Confalonieri, Giuseppe Scaratti.
“L’abbandono scolastico” Olga Liverta Sempio, Emanuela Confalonieri, Giuseppe Scaratti.
“Plan de intervenţie pentru prevenţia abandonului şcolar luând ca punct de plecare concluziile rezultate din terapia cognitiv- behavioristă” Craciun Anca
„Salvaţi Copiii de Abandon si Neintegrare” – SCAN, proiect POSDRU/91/2.2/S/61264 în Județul Botoșani n/a
« Accompagner des ados en rupture scolaire – La motivation globale » Nicolas Roubaud, Catherine Sztencel
« Accrochage scolaire et alliances éducatives : vers une intégration des approches scolaires et communautaires » Catherine Blaya (Université de Bourgogne), Ghislain Plunus (Université de Liège), Jean-Luc Gilles (Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud), Chantal Tièche Christinat (Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud).
« Enseigner pour émanciper, émanciper pour apprendre » Jacques Cornet et Noëlle De Smet
« Etat des lieux du risque de décrochage en Région bruxelloise » Partenariat entre l’Institut de Psychologie de l’Université Catholique de Louvain (IPSY), Benoit Galand et Virginie Hospel et le Forum Belge pour la Prévention et la Sécurité Urbaine (FBPSU), auteurs divers.
« Guide de prévention pour les élèves à risque au primaire – Y’ a une place pour toi ! » Pierre Potvin et Jean-René Lapointe, UQTR (Université de Québec à Trois-Rivières)
« Rapport relatif aux mineurs mal accompagnés. Donner la parole aux jeunes » Le Délégué général aux droits de l’enfant de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
« Vous avez dit pédagogie institutionnelle ? » Jacques Cornet
"Save the Children of abandonment and lack of integration" - SCAN project POSDRU/91/2.2/S/61264 in Botosani County n/a
A la búsqueda de elementos diferenciadores que aumentan los resultados y las expectativas de alumnos en riesgo de exclusión educativa. Fernández Batanero, José María
Alki, you are not alone Tzivinikou Sotiria
Alumnado En Riesgo De Abandono. Análisis De Los Factores Contextuales González Losada, D. (dir.), Cabrera Benítez, M.C., García Rodríguez, M.P., Muñoz Pichardo, J.M., Pozo Muñoz, C., Ruíz Muñoz, F., Triviño García, M.A.
An Important Issues in the Education System: School Dropout Tayli Asli
As marcas da pobreza na infância e juventude: A situação de risco entre expetativas e atendimento escolar Silva, Ana Paula Ferreira; Pereira, Luísa Alvares e Correia, José Alberto
Auction Roma in Tekirdag Students' Academic Achievement and Social Cohesion Development of the Project Tekirdağ Directorate of Education
Child maltreatment: Children’s representations of family and psychosocial risk Louro, Catarina
Current situation of the risks of early school leaving in the Brussels region « Etat des lieux du risque de décrochage en Région bruxelloise » Partnership between the school of psychology of the Catholic University of Louvain (IPSY), Benoit Galand and Virginie Hospel and the Belgian Forum for Prevention and Urban Security (FBPSU), various authors.
Did you say institutional pedagogy? « Vous avez dit pédagogie institutionnelle ? » Jacques Cornet
Dispersione scolastica e politiche per il successo formativo. Colombo Maddalena
Efeitos TEIP: Avaliação de Impactos Escolares e Sociais em Sete Territórios Educativos de Intervenção Prioritária Abrantes, Pedro; Mauritti, Rosário; e Roldão, Cristina (Coords.)
Eğitim Sisteminde Önemli Bir Sorun: Okulu Bırakma Tayli Asli
Elogio del ripetente Eraldo Affinati
Essential Tools. Increasing Rates of School Completion: Moving from Policy and Research to Practice. A Manual for Policymakers, Administrators and Educators. Lehr, Camilla A. ; Johnson, David R.; Bremer, Christine D.; Cosio, Anna; Thompson, Megan
Eu Não Desisto. Plano Nacional de Prevenção do Abandono Escolar Ministério da Educação e Ministério da Segurança Social e do Trabalho (Portuguese Education Ministry and Social Security and Work Ministry)
Fatores de Risco para o Insucesso Escolar: A Relevância das Variáveis Psicológicas e Comportamentais do Aluno Rita Ramos Miguel, Daniel Rijo and Luiza Nobre Lima
Guía para la detección e intervención temprana con menores en riesgo Ana González Menéndez; José Ramón Fernández Hermida; Roberto Secades (Coords.) Otros autores colaboradores: José Pedro Espada Sánchez; Xavier Méndez Carrillo; Mireia Orgilés Amorós; Mafalda Santos Fano; Ana Arranz Velasco; Julio Antonio Puente; Jorge Fernández del Valle; Cesareo Fernández Gómez; Amador Clafat Far; Montserrat Juan Jerez.
Helping Teenagers who are Dropping Out – Global Motivation « Accompagner des ados en rupture scolaire – La motivation globale » Nicolas Roubaud, Catherine Sztencel
Heterogeneidad en el impacto de la política de becas en la escolaridad secundaria postobligatoria en España: un análisis por subgrupos poblacionales Mediavilla, Mauro
Heterogeneity in the impact of the scholarship policy in post-compulsory secondary education in Spain: an analysis by population subgroups Mediavilla, Mauro
I Do Not Give Up. National Plan for the Prevention of School Dropout (Eu Não Desisto. Plano Nacional de Prevenção do Abandono Escolar) Ministério da Educação e Ministério da Segurança Social e do Trabalho (Portuguese Education Ministry and Social Security and Work Ministry)
İlköğretim İkinci Kademe Öğrencilerinde Okulu Bırakma Eğilimi Ve Nedenleri(Şanlıurfa İli Örneği) Şimşek Hüseyin, Şahin Sevda
In search of differentiating features to enhance the performance and expectations of students at risk of educational exclusion Fernández Batanero, José María
Insegnare al principe di Danimarca Carla Melazzini
La Parola Fa Eguali Don Lorenzo Milani
Lettera ad una professoressa La scuola di Barbiana
Lettera ad una professoressa (Ing) La scuola di Barbiana
Lise Öğrencilerinde Okulu Bırakma Eğilimi ve Nedenleri Şimşek Hüseyin
Okulu Bırakmanın Önlenmesi ve Önlemeye Yönelik Uygulamalar Tayli Asli
Orden de 29 de julio de 2013, de la Consejería de Educación, Universidades y Empleo, por la que se aprueban las bases reguladoras y se convocan actuaciones para el desarrollo del Plan Regional de Pr... Consejería de Educación, Universidades y Empleo de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia
Order of July 29, 2013, from the Ministry of Education, Universities and Employment, by which approves the rules and actions are called for the development of the Regional Plan for Prevention, Monitor... Ministry of Education, Universities and Employment of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia
Os maus-tratos a crianças: representações das crianças sobre a família e o risco psicossocial Louro, Catarina
Praise the student repeating Eraldo Affinati
Predicting School Leavers in Turkish High School Students: A Model with Variable Interaction Tool and Test Özer Arif, Gençtanirim Dilek, Ergene Tuncay
Prevention Guide for Primary School Pupils at Risk – There is room for you! « Guide de prévention pour les élèves à risque au primaire – Y’ a une place pour toi ! » Pierre Potvin and Jean-René Lapointe, UQTR (Université de Québec à Trois-Rivières)
Proiect: „Educaţia, şansa noastră pentru un viitor mai bun!”, cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013 (POSDRU/23/... Calin Ioan Andrei - Primar George Radu - Manager de proiect
Project: "Education, our chance for a better future", co-financed from the European Social Fund Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007 - 2013 (POSDRU/23/2.2/G / 31040), "Investing in p... Calin Ioan Andrei - Mayor George Radu - Manager
Reducing Early School Leaving European Commission
Reduzir o abandono escolar precoce Comissão Europeia
Report on ill-supported young people. Let young people speak General delegate for children rights – Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Requiem per la scuola? Ripensare il futuro dell'istruzione Requiem for the school? Rethinking the future of education Norberto Bottani
Requiem per la scuola? Ripensare il futuro dell'istruzione Norberto Bottani
Risk Factors for School Failure: the relevance of psychological and behavioural variables for pupil school failure (Fatores de Risco para o Insucesso Escolar: A Relevância das Variáveis Psicológi... Miguel, Rita Ramos; Rijo, Daniel; Lima, Luiza Nobre
School Dropout Prevention and Prevention Applications Tayli Asli
School dropouts and policies to achieve educational success Colombo Maddalena
School reintegration and educational alliance: toward an integration school and community approaches « Accrochage scolaire et alliances éducatives : vers une intégration des approches scolaires et ... Catherine Blaya (University of Burgundy), Ghislain Plunus (University of Liège), Jean-Luc Gilles (Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud), Chantal Tièche Christinat (Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud).
Shooter Myers Walter Dean
Students at Risk of Dropping Out. Analysis of Contextual Factors González Losada, D. (dir.), Cabrera Benítez, M.C., García Rodríguez, M.P., Muñoz Pichardo, J.M., Pozo Muñoz, C., Ruíz Muñoz, F., Triviño García, M.A.
Study to fight school dropout Planet
Teaching the prince of Denmark Carla Melazzini
Teaching to emancipate, emancipating to learn « Enseigner pour émanciper, émanciper pour apprendre » Jacques Cornet and Noëlle De Smet
TEIP (Educational Territories for Priority Intervention) Effects: Na Evaluation of the School and Social Impact in seven educational territories for priority intervention Abrantes, Pedro; Mauritti, Rosário; and Roldão, Cristina (Coords.)
The invisible students Christos Katsikas
The marks of poverty on children and youth: the risk that arises between expectations and schooling Silva, Ana Paula Ferreira; Pereira, Luísa Alvares e Correia, José Alberto
The position of Greece towards the common European objectives concerning higher education Giorgos Stamelos
The Romani: In times of crisis an easy target Smaro Peyiou
The Word Makes Equal Don Lorenzo Milani
Trends in High School Students to Quit School and Causes Şimşek Hüseyin
Trends in Middle School Students to Quit School And Reasons (Sanliurfa Province Sample) Şimşek Hüseyin, Şahin Sevda
Türk Lise Öğrencilerinde Okul Terkinin Yordanması: Aracı ve Etkileşim Değişkenleri ile Bir Model Test Özer Arif, Gençtanirim Dilek, Ergene Tuncay
Άλκη Δεν Είσαι Μόνος Τζιβινίκου Σωτηρία
Η θέση της Ελλάδας ως προς τους κοινούς ευρωπαϊκούς στόχους που αφορούν την ανώτατη εκπαίδευση Γιώργος Σταμέλος
Μελέτη για την καταπολέμηση της Σχολικής Διαρροής Planet
Οι αόρατοι μαθητές Χρήστος Κάτσικα
Οι Ρομά: Εν καιρώ κρίσης ενας εύκολος στόχος Σμαρώ Πέγιου

20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.