”Student's induction”
Guide for teachers and trainers
TVET - Technical Support
WYG International
IMC Consulting Ltd
September, 2005
Students with learning difficulties
The guide entitled "Student's induction" is divided in 9 parts, to facilitate the access to the induction aspects.
Part 1 presents induction as the process of introducing the student in school and / or course. Induction is a vital part of the student's first semester of school and can have a major impact on how they perceive the school. Induction gives staff the opportunity to meet students and make them feel part of the school.
A well planned and implemented induction program allow the student to confirm that he made the right choice about the school and the course and reduce the likelihood that he abandon school prematurely.
In this part is also presented, induction process, including the decision to invest in an induction program, developing policy and objectives induction, induction program design and materials, implementation and evaluation process.
The second part presents the planning factors induction. Formal planning process will require adequate resources, human and financial, according to the scale of the program and number of students, especially the time staff. Continuous induction during the school year requires appropriate allocation of staff to effectively monitor student progress.
Should be made a school staff development to ensure that teachers are able to meet more that the simple students needs.
Planning in advance will require accurate estimation of the total time required, that will be determined by a number of variables such as course requirements, number of students involved, the proposed activities and the homogeneity of the group.
The duration and content of the program will be directly influenced by who exactly is induced and Induction must be carried out according to each student.
Part 3 presents the activities to be carried out before the induction course, the initial induction duration, the introduction of a formal plan of action in which students formulate their future goals. Initial action plan can help effectively to organize the future students’ actions.
Part 4 provides information on learning approach. Are outlined key information that should be disseminated:
1. Student-centered learning (ICE)
2. Key Skills
3. Time management
Part 5 explains how schools assist students both in learning and in their personal lives. Outlines the key points of inclusion during the Induction process refers on:
1. Diagnosing learning needs
2. Facilities and services at the library
3. Facilities and services at the study center
4. Guidance and counseling services
5. Religious services
Part 6 - covers key - issues on ensuring of the health and safety at school, induction being the best opportunity to deliver this message.
Part 7 – Finishing and continuing the induction with visits at a place of employment and outputs in order to enhance teamwork.
Part 8 - Presents organizing and induction program which, after establishing induction elements consists in planning of topics in available daily sessions.
Annex 1 : Examples of tests to check the reading, writing and counting key skills
Annex 2: Student’s agenda/ diary model
Annex 3: CV Model
Annex 4: Induction schedule model
This guide is designed to help teachers with the information they need in order to design, plan and implement induction programs for students. The information in the guide covers the basics of induction and for more ideas, teachers are able to search on the internet, and also to integrate their ideas, which have already been successfully applied in their work.
Guide refers to the key aspects of learning and teaching. Includes references on guides for teachers deemed relevant.
Because the students, during learning activities, will move from being passive participants to be some active, guide highlights this approach by providing activities to help teachers to make the transition from traditional teaching and learning.
The guide is very useful for headmasters and teachers, providing the tools needed for the process of students’ induction, accompanied by explanations on how to apply it.
Name of Compiler
Achihăiței Mihaela Cornelia
Achihăiței Radu
Name of Institution
Liceul “Alexandru cel Bun” Botoșani
Role in the institution