Guide entitled ”Student Centered Learning” is designed for use by teachers and trainers. Contains information about what student-centered learning means, how to use this guide, where to find useful information.
Part 1 shows the concept of student-centered learning, some general ideas about student-centered learning, the role of students, student work in student-centered learning, the role of teachers, the teachers’ activity in student-centered learning, moving to student-centered learning.
Part 2 argues the using of student-centered learning, how learning can be made more effective, a better memory, increasing of motivation, an enlarged inclusion, supporting of the key skills integration, an better preparation for the workplace, supporting skills for lifelong learning.
Part 3 presents the elements regarding on the introduction of student-centered learning, knowledge of students, learning content organization, organizing how students learn, lectures and theoretical contributions, demonstrations, practical training courses, projects, other approaches to make the learning process more centered on student, case studies, role playing, preparing process flow, educational games, differentiated learning, group activities, assessment of students’ experiences in learning process, the management of time for learning and student assessment, the costs for student centered learning process.
Part 4 presents the application of student-centered learning in practice
The paper includes also four annexes:
Annex 1 - Individual differences that affect the learning process
Annex 2 - The goals of the curriculum
Annex 3 - Key Skills units in the Romanian
Annex 4 - Teaching and learning methods that support student-centered learning
This paper offers some possibilities for application of student-centered learning. Teachers can investigate the meaning of student-centered learning.
At the same time, teachers have the possibility to discover some ways in order to provide the student-centered learning. They can, also, to use it as a help to support the students when they use student centered approaches in order to progress with learning.
Teachers can use this material in school, with students, or at home, to design their teaching activities.
Can be transformed into a interactively set using the computer, whereas, when teachers develop the student centered learning methods (ICE) for their students, they may discover that the computer is the right approach.
The guide also suggests the additional sources of information, very useful for teachers.
Overall approach used in this guide is centered on student. As a result, major emphasis is put on the theoretical information from Parts 1 and 2. Part 3 and the examples from Part 4 are designed to make teachers to think about how they can apply the theory to their students in the subjects they teach.
The guide addresses to teachers who wish to explore student-centered learning and its context, offering ideas about how useful it is, ideas about using the student centered learning, suggestions to help them to apply the student centered learning.