Lifelong Learning Programme

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"Preventing and combating violence at school"

A practical guide for managers and academics
M. Jigău (Coord.)

Magdalena Balica
Ciprian Fartuşnic
Aurora Liiceanu
Andreea Măruţescu
Doina Săucan
Lucian Voinea
Institutul de Științe ale Educației
The paper is printed with the support of UNICEF Romania
School bullying
Guide aims to improving the phenomena of violence in schools and to promote among key actors school tools and best practice models.
This guide has arisen as a result of our experience of documentation and research on the phenomenon of violence in school.
The guide includes two parts: Part I, which gives the user itself and Part II - which includes a set of nine training modules on various topics on school violence. Part I is divided into two sections, while providing two complementary approaches. Involves a managerial perspective on the issue of violence in schools. Part II attempts to detail the more specific aspects of the problem of violence in schools that can provide support in the implementation of an anti-violence’ strategies.
The first section, entitled I. How do we develop a strategy against violence at our school is primarily intended management teams who want to design a strategy on violence prevention and intervention in schools. Information, suggestions and tools provided for consultation in this section are meant to be helpful for identifying phenomena of school violence in the specific context of each school ( forms, causes, severity, etc) and specifically to develop strategy prevention and intervention , as a part of the school development plan. The main topics covered in this section are :
• identifying phenomena of school violence;
• definition of school violence issues;
• the development of prevention and intervention;
• designing an anti- violence strategies.

The second section, II. Forms and manifestations causes of school violence - ways for prevention and intervention, treated in a concrete manner possible instances of school violence and its causes.
The main topics are submitted to the following:
• violent student;
• student victim of violence;
• Family causes of violence;
• Violence teachers;
• Teaching communication and violence;
• school’ rules.
Each chapter contains a number of general considerations
on the issue under discussion , research data , tools and suggestions for activities at school. Part II includes nine training modules that were the basis of the activities carried out in two pilot schools in Bucharest: School " Yulia Haşdeu " and school no . 49. These modules can offer suggestions on how they can be organized awareness raising issues of violence in your school, and suggestions for the organization of training sessions for teachers. The topics suggested by the training modules are:
• Human Violence. Psychological and social dimensions
• Approaches to Violence. Perceptions , key concepts , typologies
• Violence and victimization. Students - risk category
• Forms and causes of violence in school. Perspective individual, family, school, the media
• Violence subjective and objective violence in the school space
• Deficiencies in communication as a source of school violence
• Assessment of student learning - the source of violence or violent behavior regulation mechanism in school?
• Anti- violence strategies in the classroom
• Strategies for intervention on violence at school
The guide is intended to assist directors and teachers who are interested in developing their schools a culture of non - violence prevention strategy based on sources and its causes
Following the guide intends to provide directors and teachers :
• Summary information on school violence issues , as they were surprised by recent research conducted in more than 1,200 schools in Romania ;
• suggestions for developing a strategy to prevent and combat violence at school , adapted to the specific context in which it operates ;
• tools to identify sources and causes of school violence (questionnaires, interview guides , surveys in the family etc.).
• suggestions for activities that can be performed within a strategy to prevent and combat violence , many of them culled from the experience of other schools;
• issues, the exercises and controversial topics to stimulate effective communication between all stakeholders on the issue of school violence;
• a set of modules for training teachers to raise awareness of issues related to violence in school.
This guide can become a tool for reflection on our school practices, the vision of education and its role , on what we want to communicate with students, parents , teachers and other community members .
Name of Compiler
Mihaela Cornelia Achihăiței
Radu Achihăiței
Name of Institution
Liceul “Alexandru cel Bun” Botoșani
Role in the institution

20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.