The main aim of this research is the violence implemented at schools and what kind of preventions should be applied against this violence. The research mentions the percentages of the violence occurring at schools by showing differences in accordance with the kinds of the schools and the most important disciplinary problems at schools. At the same time, the research consists of the information showing to such what kind of problems it leads at certain times at schools in other countries such as America. Another issue discussed in the research is about who is responsible for the violence at schools. The majority of the researches conducted in the framework of this topic show that the problem is created by not educators but other individuals from other profession branches. The research also mentions various programs, implementation and strategies.
This report has a functional quality in that it made a good definition of the violence seen at schools, mentioning important strategies, programs and implementations . At the same time, it emphasizes how important the problem is by showing the percentages of it. It proves its utility again in that it provides the reader with the answers of the questions which can occur at the readers’ minds. The research not only gives information about the violence, but also presents a suggestion for Placing to University and Manipulation System which is sufficient and logical in order to prevent the crowd in front of the universities in Turkey.