- main actors involved :
Teacher of the Intercultural Commission: Mariapia Piemontese ,
a Senegalese student : Lo Cheikhouna;his father: Lo Moudu:
- when, where and how the story took place:
In July, parents and students who came at the Institute Polo "Luciano Bianciardi" of Grosseto to complete their enrollment were welcomed by a team of teachers who provided guidance and support in filling the forms. Among these it was present a member of the Intercultural Commission who especially dealt with the reception of foreign students in order to guide and collect useful data for a correct insertion in the classes.
In this context, I received, in July 2012, Mr. Lo and his son Cheikhouna, 16 years old, and provided them with information on how Italian school works .
In particular, I talked about the training of our Institute. Having assessed the particular situation of the student, who had passed the age of compulsory education and stated he wanted to learn the language to quickly go to work, I provided more information on the training-school. Both the parent and the student, however, expressed a strong desire to follow the path of education and so I kept on illustrating the various addresses of our school.
Once shown the intention to attend the course in Business Management, I collected data on the curriculum and on the statements that the student should have provided, I filled the form prepared by our school and then I helped them in completing the registration.
- the reasons why the story can be considered successful:
The decision to closely follow families and students during their registration, in accordance with the provisions of the management plan for the Diversity for foreign students, has been very positive, both to ensure that choices regarding the training process, are performed in full consciousness, and because it creates, from the very beginning, a relationship of trust between family, student and school.
Moreover, the family of a foreign student, has often some difficulties in dealing with the bureaucratic language, even if it has been in Italy for some time and the presence of a member of Intercultural Commission, which acts as a language facilitator, is very helpful in the relationship with the 'educational Institution.
The data collection on the student's schooling promotes, lastly, the correct assignment to the class and fosters the work of the future Council, which will have to plan actions to realign and give language support.
- the starting point of student so that it can be understood clearly the measure of success
The student was in Italy only for a few weeks ago and had very little knowledge of the Italian language, he could only answer to questions about the recording while the rest was translated by his father.
The information gathered showed that Cheikhouna had not attended school regularly and had, therefore, significant gaps in basic skills. For this particular reason, and the lack of school certificates, which were to be delivered later, he was placed in a first class , even if, according to his age the student could attend the second class.
- Social and Economic Background of the family involved (if relevant for the story) 50 parole
The student lives with his father,a street vendor, while the rest of the family is in Senegal. Although they do not have a lot of economic availability, Mr. Lo was immediately inquired about how to purchase textbooks thus manifesting the desire that the child now takes school seriously
- Analyse the interaction between the different actors involved
The meeting among the various components has been very positive because the parent and the student himself, were able to see the full availability of the school to help them expressing openness, availability and understanding of the specific needs in an atmosphere of hospitality that has placed the foundations for a positive approach to school
- Describe the action of educational policy, either at local, regional or national level (If relevant)
- . The actions taken by our Institute are part of the path indicated by the Ministry that, in the "Guidelines for the reception and integration of foreign students" in 2006, suggested ways designed to better settle foreign students in Italian schools.
In them it is emphasized the importance of creating a positive climate characterized by the ability of the school to interact with the family. They are therefore recommended individualized talks involving all the stakeholders, if necessary in the presence of linguistic mediators, overcome the difficulties of communication and facilitate understanding of the educational choices of the school; gathering information in order to prepare the correct assignment to the class, which is determined primarily based on age, but also in view of the course of studies carried out and previous skills; evaluation of the first measures to start to foster a fruitful approach to the Italian language.
Our Institute has embraced these guidelines by including them in the Plan of Management Diversity-Foreign Students, approved by the Academic Board for a. S. 2012-13, and made to comply with the requirements of the Region of Tuscany with the DGR 530/2008 "For a school anti-racism and inclusion" and dall'USR of Tuscany, with the Guidelines of 2011.
Identify and describe the potential transferability of the experience
The experience can certainly be repeated in schools of every grade and in every Country in which are received foreign students who need to understand the functioning of educational institutions .
This action of steering and reception can be provided at any time of the school year by the administrative staff, properly trained, and the teachers of the Intercultural Commission which, if necessary, may be called for an individualized interview