The protagonist of the story belongs to a family of high-economy class but culturally low. Family is family is intact and normal. The father works and is well known in the city.
The student is the youngest of three brothers. The first brother does not study, the second sister Yes studied, but not exercised, and finally the protagonist of the story.
It's a macho family. The sister lives with her boyfriend and is dedicated to keeping house.
The older brother works in one of the parent companies.
The star was 16 when this happened. The student is tongue-tied and has always created problems in self-esteem and therefore is very insecure.
At home nobody protagonist encouraged the student to study, as I had no need to do so because the economic situation is high. The father preferred that the children were with him in the company.
The student, was lack of basic contents and problems with reading and understanding because of stuttering. Therefore, further study will cost.
The student decides to stop going to the Center.
The influence of family and his thoughts make the student take a hasty decision. The students adored her father, and watched as everyone respected his father. The father never studied, but was fortunate in working life. The son tried to imitate.
Trigger of change:
The student took a few months working with the father and after thinking about the future, decided to go back to school. Mother much supported him in this decision.
He is now studying a degree in environmental science at Huelva.
Part of the success is due also to the great professionalism of the teachers of the school. Teachers not only are adapted to the various situations that occur in the Institute, if not that take advantage of the maximum available resources. Teachers want to give response to such situations, with the aim that the day that any student will be reincorporated into the classes are not misplaced and resume his academic activity with the largest possible normal, and having the ability to do again feel involved students. It is very important that they can keep track of the class in the best possible conditions.
In addition the school has three meetings with the technical team of the social services, one each school quarter. These meetings attended the representative of social equipment, a representative of the Council in the field of social work, management team of the town, Cape police inspector, local area and representative of the Council of Seville.
Critical analysis:
Evidence of the success of the case is the reinstatement of the student to the education system, and its continuation. The student managed to obtain the title of compulsory secondary education, from high school and is currently in college.
The Center is also vital as performs all modifications that are necessary to get the student to adapt normal and have feeling of progress and, therefore, involvement in academic tasks that arise.
At school, they try to identify the maximum so that each student find the sense of learning, dealing in a very limited way the tasks among the professors.
Another important fact in this story is the treatment of stuttering on the student. Well due to the difficulty in speech, the student was retracted and would not participate in school with peers.
Teachers of the Centre, are used to deal with such situations.
Key to understanding the actions developed is to understand the different guidelines for action in cases of absenteeism. At the national level, the law on education (LOE, 2066) stable that schools must ensure the holistic development of its students for what should be so many adaptations of the resume as necessary. In addition, the Regional Government identifies schools located in areas of greater socio-cultural risk. These centers receive more specific attention and greater material and human resources.
Keys to success with possible transfer are:
Flexibility of the curriculum.
Empathy by teachers.
Plasticity of the educational center.
Direct involvement of teachers, guidance and management team.
Interest from the student.
The mother's support.
Speech therapist