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Date: 2014.05.20
Posted by Christine CLOES (Belgium)
Message: This testimony shows the importance of confidence in the integration process: confidence between the pupil and his/her teachers, between the pupil and his/her classmates and finally self-confidence.
We would appreciate more accurate information about the work carried out with the classmates in order to better understand the strategies leading to the “success story”!
Date: 2014.05.19
Posted by Cidália de Jesus Cordeiro (Portugal)
Message: Hi, my name is Cidália Cordeiro and I am a Philosophy teacher at the Bonfim school cluster in Portalegre, Portugal.
Your experience has some similarities with the teacher experience I retold. Although the contexts are different, the student I wrote about also had big integration issues. She managed to overcome these because of the care of her peers. The other students who initially did not accept her changed their attitude with the help of the teachers. These managed to lead them to values of solidarity, companionship, respect for the other and respect for difference. The school is a space for learning and of values for life.
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.