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Date: 2014.05.30
Posted by Gabriela Adomnica (Romania)
Message: Fortunately, this case was yet another illustration of how important communication and empathy are for building an effective school environment. It is worrying that the parents didn't find a way to communicate with their own child, but it is a relief that there are such teachers that are both sensitive and eager to find a way to help their pupils to become better persons.
Date: 2014.05.30
Posted by Ana Raquel Ribeiro (Portugal)
Message: Bullying constitutes a social problem nowadays, the first signs of which not only parents and teachers should pay attention, but also the whole society. The school is a space for education, where young people and children learn, and it is also a space where interpersonal relationships are created. These should have a positive impact on the development of the human being. This does not happen to all pupils who go to school. There are some children and youngsters who live forlorn and isolated lives, who experience feelings of maladaptation, shame and guilt. They may become victims of bullying and therefore it is very important to detect these situations. Some kinds of play may seem harmless though they constitute physical, verbal or psychological aggressive behaviour. One way to diminish violence is to educate the aggressors, to show them they are bullying others, and to show them how their actions may affect the lives of others by scarring them emotionally or physically. Violent behaviour is rising in schools and it is still hard to recognize signs of bullying and to know how to deal with it. For the victims, it is important that they report the situation to teachers or to head teachers, as well as to parents. I believe that if teachers, staff and parents act as a team, bullying can be overcome. It is essential for teachers to learn to identify what are bullying situations, so that adequate action can be taken. It is important to keep permanently alert. Parents should similarly be attentive to their children’s behaviours, talk to them more and take an interest in their daily routines.
Date: 2014.05.29
Posted by Georgia Lazari (Greece)
Message: The school, teachers need to perceive or intuitively to the tumor and poisoned relations between the students. They seek solutions to both ends of the spectrum of this strange behavior of students.
To the side of the bullies should take note of where it can lead to the victim manifested marginalization, to point out that in another case may "comfortable" to find them on the side opposite side and highlight how altered the gentle aspect of our character when manifest unnecessarily even hostility toward others.
To the side of the victim must detect its facilitation, with the main objective to mitigate the effects of the brutality of marginalization and shut down as soon as possible mental expense.
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.