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Date: 2014.05.31
Posted by Gabriela Adomnica (Romania)
Message: Where there's a (teacher's) will, there's a way. Congratulations to the teachers who made it possible! Respect to Mahmut for his will and determination!
Date: 2014.05.30
Posted by Blanca Perez Flores (Spain)
Message: This experience shows a very sensitive case. This is vitally important that teachers support and act fairly to the student , taking into account the personal, financial and family situation.
There are many situations and many students. We must always take into account the capabilities, interests or motivations for learning. This, as has been done in the previous case, the teacher tries to adapt the means at its disposal , including the objectives,
content , teaching methods , classroom organization, assessment ... in order to meet the learning needs of their students, in this case Mahmut . As a teacher I think it is not a simple task at all, since the
balance between what should be equal for all . In some ways you could say that this search for balance is what is
pursues the process of curricular adaptations .
For Mahmut , is useful font enlargement , and extension of time. In this case, teachers have been able to make a good adaptation , since teachers have taken into account the peculiarities of the student. With these adjustments , the student can learn equally.
In Spain more than 98 % of students with blindness or visual impairment are included in regular education. I mean, are schooled in the same classrooms of the same facilities as other blind students and follow the official curriculum of the educational level who are studying. Therefore, these centers have to offer an adequate response to the educational needs of all students, to be a school for all, adopting the curricular and organizational changes necessary.
Date: 2014.05.28
Posted by Ioannis Aivazoglou (Greece)
Message: Children with health problems should be treated with extreme sensitivity in schools.
The young student was aided by teachers and manages through its own to make a superhuman feat in his life.
The student shows that he is a real fighter and will succeed in life.
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.