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Date: 2014.05.30
Posted by Jose Miguel Méndez Lucena (Spain)
Message: The work of the teacher is great. This student was living a very difficult situation. Have a parent in prison makes little children suffer . Peers are very cruel, and often do harm to the student reminding their plight . Moreover, the plight adds new partner of the mother , changing family and household. I think it's very important that the teaching staff is aware of these situations. If the faculty had acted in time there had been problems with the student, and therefore had not lost two years of school life.
To be lower in Spain also involved Social Services , which already exert a greater force on families . There are different programs such as:
Service to children and adolescents and their families. This service is provided from equipment care to children and adolescents ( EAIA ) , territorially distributed .
It is dedicated to the assessment , action and care of children in or at risk of homelessness and their families follow :
Basic - needs boy / a unmet
- Performance negligent or aggression of the fathers to the children.
An interdisciplinary team of professionals ( social work, education, psychology , social educators ) is defined by the lower and educational activities , accommodation , relationship with family , etc. . most appropriate to ensure their well-being , improve their quality of life and development.
Another interesting program that would be useful for this case is:
Socio Action Service from the street
Detecting youths who make the street the priority relationship , and provide host
guidance and activities that come to the services and facilities of the district, in order to improve coexistence with the environment and to improve their personal and social development.
Services include :
- Home
Socio- educational - Accompaniment
- Attractions
- Workshops
Date: 2014.05.28
Posted by Georgia Panagiotopoulou (Greece)
Message: It is very gratifying fact that a child with so many family problems managed to survive the difficulties of school, finishing it and making a living in his life.
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.