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Date: 2014.06.03
Posted by FELLI [email protected] (VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE…ITALY)
Message: The story is not interesting as such, as there are many similar stories in our schools of every kind and level, but it is good in highlighting our schools' weaknesses.
School uncertainty causes school discontinuity, which, together with bureaucratic delays, can become truly dangerous.
Just imagine Angela in a new school with the usual problems, and the picture which comes out will be really awesome.
But here's too there's the good news: in spite of all the problems, in our schools there are still plenty of teachers able to listen to silence, too.
Date: 2014.05.30
Posted by Gabriela Adomnica (Romania)
Message: Well, it would have been a better idea to help Angela find friends among her classmates and /or confront the bullies rather than let her leave the school and live with the idea that this is the way to deal with being different, but not different enough to deserve support. Of course there are too few school psychologists, but it is also a pity that there was no teacher sensitive enough to help the poor girl 'weather the storm'.
Date: 2014.05.30
Posted by Carmen Gomez Acosta (Spain)
Message: Angela 's story is very sad, but unfortunately often a situation occurs repeatedly , even changing the context , occurs increasingly in social networks , calling themselves cyberbullying . It is very disappointing that there is an adequate response to Angela , but I think there 's good vece change school and will start a new life, and meet new classmates .
Also important is the training of teachers to such a phenomenon , it is becoming increasingly common .
We have a protocol to go when such situations happen , for example exite Promote Andalucía, and I leave the link if you are interested : http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/portal/com/bin/convivencia/contenidos/Materiales/PublicacionesdelaConsejeriadeEducacion/MATERIALESCONVIVENCIA/1195806345848_libro6_3.pdf
Another useful tool is the protocol of the Basque Country ,
I hope this information will be useful .
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.