Aspects to consider:
The experience took place after the beginning of new year at school, period between October and april –may, with some intermediate step as after described . The experience lasted with june 2013 .
Students involved attend the two-year period of compulsory education, with particular attention to the first classes.
At the beginning of the school year in each class before performing teachers, with the help of the tutor training, a mapping of the potential and needs of the class. The coordinators of the class councils convene the families of all the students of the first classes for individual interviews, where talk of the needs and expectations of students with respect to the choice of the course and the job profile.
In the later stages, the first stage until the mid-term evaluation, continuous monitoring of the situations most at risk, with further interviews and survey forms, also connected to compulsory education for pupils up to 16 years of age.
After the first four months of activity, pupils with only methodological difficulties, or with minor deficiencies in basic training, followed laboratory activities to empower and strengthen their abilities , not divided for individual subjects and carried out by teachers of the school in both early morning hours that afternoon. For students who reject school and do not intend to continue their studies planned activities take place outside of school, especially with observational internship. The sectors concerned are to internships and voluntary social cooperation on the territory. At the end of the experience (three weeks), students keep a journal and take place in their classes of origin relationships to his companions on their business. These students are the most difficult, as the refusal of the school itself often produces aggressive behavior or reckless disregard. In these cases, the involvement of local structures can lead to apprenticeships or to specific courses Professional reserved for dropouts.
The major problems encountered in these activities relate to the availability of resources, both human and financial, and the rigid school organization that does not always allow effective and timely action. The rigid structure of the class, the time of teachers, the lack of alternative spaces produces difficulties in the organization of new teaching methods and working on small groups.
Inside the school, however, since the beginning of the school year is an active working group that takes care of these problems and review the activities each year to give concrete answers to problems. The best results are for students who do not reject the whole school, but which are difficult to study or who have a choice of courses not convinced or suits their abilities. These focus on the greatest chance of recovery, either by switching to the second year, is taking the path with motivation and commitment, with an educational pact also supported by the family. More difficult are the solutions for the boys motivated and indifferent, as it is not always the training offer fully meets their needs and it is not always possible to direct them to apprenticeships and training.