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Date: 2014.05.21
Posted by Alcino Silva (Portugal)
Message: This experience report is very important and elucidating of the importance of the teacher in his teaching activity, when in his classroom a student has severe learning difficulties and / or maladaptive behavior.
Any teacher before a student with learning difficulties and unspecified inappropriate behavior, should not make an assessment of the behavior and / or cognitive abilities or compare it with the performance of other students , before knowing all the reasons that lead to this difficulty and motivations of the student before the activities proposed by the school .
The experiences outside school in problematic environments resulting from disorganized families are often leading causes for many students in their classrooms to manifest maladaptive behaviors and impair cognitive development, such as the student mentioned in the story experience. When the student's motivation to perform learning is very low it becomes virtually impossible to achieve educational success.
The motivation and affection are crucial for building the learning process throughout life.
Motivation and confidence are key behaviors for the resolution of various learning and behavioral problems in the classroom.
It is desirable that the teacher in the classroom promotes a warming environment, transmitting to the student a sense of belonging, where he feels integrated and legitimized to see his doubts and requests for help. In the view of Boruchovitch (2009) motivation, in particular, is not only a student's own characteristic, but also mediated by the teacher, the classroom environment and school culture. In the author's opinion, the different ways to promote motivation, the key is that the teacher himself is a model of motivated person.
In my career as a teacher I have been confronted with situations quite similar to that reported. It is frequently found in the interior regions where I teach students with low expectations regarding their future and reason is the difference in school culture to one that is lived in the family.
For resolving these situations it is critical that the school can offer these students individualized monitoring by teachers doing tutoring work and closer, listening to them , understanding them , valuing them in order to raise their self-esteem and confidence .
Boruchovitch, E. (2009). A motivação do aluno (4.ª ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Editora Vozes
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.