Description of Contents
This material is a Protocol (Guide) intervention before risk situations and cases already de facto truancy. It has been designed by professionals in education of the educational services of the City Council of the city of Seville, (Andalusia, Spain) to facilitate to all agents involved in the complex process of response to this problem. Today it is considered a basic instrument of action and a general framework of response to boys and girls at risk of dropout. Therefore, in addition to the directors school, last of the schools accountable, is aimed at teachers, families, social institutions and administrations involved in order that take coordinated functions and responsibility, which correspond to each of the groups in terms of absenteeism.
The material begins with an introduction and theoretical and legislative justification on the problems of absenteeism and early school leaving. Then outlined the procedure of intervention, including explanation of the globality of the Protocol and specific aspects of each the institutions involved (public schools, municipal, social and educational services, local police and security services, municipal Technical Subcommittee on truancy, truancy municipal Commission and Commission Provincial of absenteeism). Subsequently, describes the process of intervention in cases of no education, which assumes that any instance should detect the case, providing examples of documentation that must be processed in each case.
Taking into account the peculiarities and singularities of the different population areas and contexts of the city of Seville, the Protocol allows to develop specific guidelines in the areas of educational focus, framed in the main focus of intervention.
This material establishes joint intervention to be performed for optimal preventive response and strategies of action against truancy and school drop-out. All this, taking a global and comprehensive approach that is, base should be, the basic pillar of institutional action. In fact, this is the main reason for the selection of this material because it is considered the key to the success of any inter-agency action, but even more so in cases as complex as school drop-out situations, since these children are often surrounded by complex situations from the point of view of personal, family, social and school.
Therefore material is not limited to the description of a procedure to follow but that there are specific actions that, from the different fields of action (schools, municipal social services and local police), they should be developed for the control and reduction of truancy in schools, in addition to establishing the necessary lines of coordination for further progress in the improvement of the procedure.
Also describes the different commissions to compose and describes the process of selection of the members and the origin of these. It is also a key pillar of material that offers models of each of the forms or reports to be carried out. In this type of tasks the professionals spend much time that would be less with these models. Thus, professionals can spend time on other tasks that improve response to absenteeism and dropout. I.e., proposed that all the bureaucratic formalities are carried out, but it offers resources to make these less expensive, in terms of effort and time, for professionals. For example, offers models of school letter to parents or social representatives of the child, letter of citation to the families by the municipal social services, execution of the appearance, report intervention social and family, among many others.
In sum, the product itself is very elaborate and integrates the maximum of possible areas in the process of standard schooling, in order to carry out a joint and cooperative work. The possibility of transfer is limited, since, for the time being, it is only published in paper. He is expected that after your evaluation process this may be available on the web and would be advisable for you to translate into other languages to make it serve as a model to the largest possible number of professionals.
Bearing in mind the foregoing, we can confirm the relationship between the "Protocol of intervention in truancy School of the city of Seville" and the theoretical model proposed by the European project "School Safety Net" and, therefore, to ensure that intervention strategies will be consistent with it.