Title of Product
Immigrants Integration Barometer 2013
Name of Author(s)
Ovidiu Voicu (coordinator)
Andra Bucur
Denisa Ionescu
Luciana Lăzărescu
Victoria Nedelciuc
Sergiu Panainte
Daniela Tarnovschi
Name of Producer
Romanian Association for Health Promotion
Soros Foundation
Date of Production
June 2013
Language of the review
Language of the product
Type of product
Online Publication
Thematic Area
Integration of immigrants students
Target Group
Headmasters, Teachers, Students, Parents
Description of Contents
The study Immigrant Integration Barometer 2013 was conducted within the project “Research and Documentation Center on Immigrants Integration”, financed from the European Fund for Integration of Third-Country Nationals and implemented by the Romanian Association for Health Promotion in partnership with Soros Foundation Romania.
The plans were projected over a system of thirteen dimensions of the integration, grouped into five levels: Level 0, of the opening, which includes two dimensions, the freedom of movement (legal opening), namely recognition and acceptance (opening of mentalities). Level 1, of the acceptance of differences, which includes strategic planning (the first dimension), as well as the affirmation of non-discrimination (the second dimension), facilitation of foreigners’ access to the local culture (the third dimension, Language and education), as well as the understanding of the primary need of family reunification (the forth dimension). Level 2, of the basic support for integration, which comprises four dimensions, three of them (health, labour and well-being) relating to the State’s action, and the forth (social support), to the society’s action, be they individual or of some groups of individuals (formalized or not). At Level 3, of the inclusion, they are speaking of the opportunities that a society offers to the foreigners for expressing and harmoniously develop individual’s cultural and spiritual side (society and culture), actively participate in the public affairs (civic involvement) and even receive special support to fulfill their dream (positive discrimination). Finally, Level 4, of the citizenship, which is synonymous with the final dimension of the integration, in the citizenship, namely immigrants’ political integration.
Immigrant Integration Barometer 2013 is a tool that analyses how the Romanian society turns into value and facilitates immigrants’ social inclusion, in particular the inclusion of those people originating from outside the Community area. In order to reach this objective, the research defined three plans of the integration of inclusion of the immigrants: the idea of integration of the widest definition of the concept, at the level fundamental rights, as it derives from statements, conventions and international treaties. The vision of integration – namely the fundamental rights for affirmation, the public policies and the specific legislation in Romania, and how close is the vision to the ideal of integration; and the practice of integration – namely citizens’ perceptions and opinions and how the public institutions implement the specific policies and legislation.
In the first stage of the research, project’s team examined the scholarly literature, the main legislative and domestic and international policy milestones, as well as the relevant data publicly available, which resulted in functional schemes for the first two plans of the integration: “the ideal” and “the vision”. The same research effort led to hypotheses regarding the third plan, “the practice”, as well as a set of data sources and collection methods to verify these hypotheses. The outcome of this stage is the Research Conceptual Framework, presented in the annex.
In the second stage, the researchers implemented the proposed methods, obtaining the data required for assessing the hypotheses. Data analysis and synthesis led to this report. This has to be read together with the tree intermediary reports (on immigrants, institutional actors, and public opinion), which detail the outcomes of the research for each of these groups.
The study presents the main elements and conclusions of the research for each of the thirteen dimensions of the integration, grouped into the five plans previously defined. The summary of all information is centralized in the final section of the report, in what they can call IIB Evaluation 2013, accompanied by recommendations for actions addressed to the institutions in charge with immigrants’ integration in Romania.
The product is a result of this previous project
Title of the project
Research and Documentation Center on Immigrants
Funding Programme
European Funds for the Integration of Third- Country Nationals, from the EU Framework Programme on Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows
Ministry of Internal Affairs, with the General Inspectorate for Immigration as contracting authority
Project number
Ref: IF/11.01-03.01