Title of Product
IperMAPPE 2 software (Ing)
Name of Author(s)
Name of Producer
Date of Production
Language of the review
Language of the product
Type of product
Awareness Material (Leaflet, Brochure, etc)
Thematic Area
Students with learning difficulties
Website of the Product
Description of Contents
Hypermaps 2 is a graphic representation and visualization of knowledge through the construction of multimedia maps, generated starting from digital content, digital books, PDF or RTF documents. The software offers two options for the building of mental maps: they can be generated either automatically by the program, starting with the keywords highlighted in structured text from a file or RTF TXT, or independently by the pupil himself. It's a tool for individual studying: while studying, the student can build schemes, graphics and tables in various forms, aimed at the adaptation of textual descriptive content and, if necessary, at a simplification of the suggested topics. At each knot of the map descriptive texts can be freely associated, as well as images, links to the Web and other multimedia objects such as audio tracks.
The software is fully integrated with the Alfa voice reader/player, by the same company : the maps can automatically be read through the voice player, fundamental support for pupils with dyslexia. Hypermaps 2 can be installed on USB stick ALFA READER, for a greater portability: in this way, the combined use of the two softwares multiplies compensatory functions of the tools offered ( also provided by art. 5 of Law 170/2010 " new rules on specific learning disorders in school").
Thanks to the consultation mode, which allows you to browse all the multimedia content of a single conceptual knot, you can zoom in on images in the knots. It also contains an extensive archive of maps and diagrams, all editable and which can be implemented, and applied to the assisted subjects of history, geography and science.
The product is easy to use and very intuitive. It allows the construction of different modes of using a written text , providing a visual support to the images, one of the essential elements of compensation for pupils with difficulties in decoding written texts. Additional elements of facilitation are the video tutorials that the tool producers add to provide students with a minimum of instructions. This tool traces the various sequential stages in metacognitive approach to reach an effective learning : the starting point is the text, then the focus is on the logical connections for the building of the mental map, to continue with the creation and the inclusion of all the elements that accompany the topic and make learning long-term and firm.
Educational and learning value
The product has a high educational value because it allows the student a guided acquisition of a method of self-study, which is an active, and not a passive way of studying. Thanks to multiple functions, the dyslexic student experiences the effectiveness of compensatory support multimedia to a method of study tailored to his/her difficulties and potentialities, proof that the decoding of written texts is not the only means by which you will implement the learning process.
Quality and relevancy of content
Hypermaps 2 lets you organize and view your study materials without the risk of reducing the learning content. The ability to bind to individual knots, in addition to the title and image,and a text description also make information more complete and meaningful, without reducing the advantages of the visual representation of the topics. The opportunity offered by the vocal support still allows you to enhance the narrative aspect in the acquisition of skills usable in various subjects .
Compatibility of the content with the target group
Certainly, the presence of different mediators and compensatory elements makes it particularly suitable for children with specific reading disorders and difficulties in the decoding of the text.
An overall evaluation of the product
The product can be regarded as a working tool of a good standard, with a double function, as it can also be used as a mode of work in progress for the teacher during the lesson in the class, for the creation of an inclusive and collaborative learning environment thanks to the use of the LIM – Interactive Whiteboard.
Please dedicate a specific section to:
- The transferability potential
The wide range of examples already in place for some subjects is an input transferable to all subjects of study, the suggested use can be extended not only to the students who have specific difficulties in reading, but also to those who suffer from dysgraphia , as the production of writing mistakes is compensated by the use of automatic spelling checker. It 's also clear that it is adaptable to all pupils, as it stimulates and challenges the creativity in home studio ( a really critical moment for the students in general).
Points of strength and of weakness ( if any) :
- Simple and clear features for fast construction of the maps
- Availability of various forms of schemes for the organization of information: tree, sequences, vertical or horizontal, radial maps , charts, glossaries
- Ability to classify knots according to 4 levels of hierarchy ( based on the importance of the topic ) each characterized by a different graphic style, with possibility to modify these as information is added
- Ability to bind to individual knots , in addition to the title and image, also of a textual description to make information more complete and meaningful without reducing the benefits of visual representation
- Possibility to customize the display hiding, according to the needs, the less important knots
- Possibility to customize the graphic style of the maps created
- Possibility to paste in Word maps created
- Map navigation more efficient and intuitive than the previous edition of the software.