Title of Product
Dyslexia and Additional Academic Language Learning (DYSLANG)
Name of Producer
British Dyslexia Association
Language of the review
Language of the product
Thematic Area
Students with learning difficulties
Target Group
Headmasters, Teachers, Students, Parents
Description of Contents
The aim of this site is to prepare a kind of course in order that teachers and parents can support the multilingual dyslexic individual in terms of learning a subtractive curriculum language. It provides people with a lot of information about the terms dyslexia, multilingualism and language learning when they register for the Dyslexia course or just look for the website and save the materials to their computers. Partners created adapted versions of modules with the aim that the courses will be more suitable for various contexts. It has a list which consists of a list of modules you can see.
It gives a detailed information about what dyslexia is and its varieties. It shows the relationship between dyslexia and language learning. This website provides the readers with the information on the percentages of the individuals with Dyslexia and Multilingualism from different countries.
It also illustrates the difference between bilingualism and multilingualism. As to good practice, the website requests people to send their methods and approaches which they thought effective when they are working with dyslexic multilingual students by giving an e-mail address. It also illustrates some beneficial websites and publications in order that the readers can reach discussions about language learning and knowledge of other dyslexia-related projects and opportunities to practice languages more.
This website is useful and beneficial in that it includes a guide and e-learning course for educators and parents in order that they support an individual with multilingual dyslexic in the acquisition of an additional curriculum language. Seeing that it has also a wide amount of information which can destroy the ambiguity which can appear on the readers’ mind, it can be called as clear. It is quite informative because it includes information about the terms dyslexia, multilingualism and language learning. They also give the visitors the opportunity to download the materials to their computers. It is not so complicated because it made the modules which are represented as a list more appropriate for varies context by adapting them.
We can say again very informative because it illustrates knowledge of the meaning of the term dyslexia and its varieties and how many of the individuals from different parts of the world have Dyslexia and Multilingualism. Moreover, it gives information about what kind of relationship and difference there is between them. And in terms of its practice, the project is seen cooperative since it asks the visitors to send their methods and attitudes towards them which they find effective when they are together with dyslexic multilingual pupils. The website is helpful in that it supplies the visitors with other websites and publications in which they can find debates over language learning and get access to the information of other dyslexia related projects and opportunities for practicing language more.
The product is a result of this previous project
Title of the project
Dyslexia and Additional Academic Language Learning
European Commission
Project number