Description of Contents
This website contains different sections: bullying, psychology , training, guides for parents and forums. The section on bullying contains articles that deepen the knowledge of Bullying and advices for parents, teachers , girls and boys in order to face the main forms of arrogance . They are the result of more than fifteen years of work with primary and secondary school classes , advices for parents, training with teachers. The perspective with which bullying is dealt with is essentially the psychological and socio-educational one, deepened in the section concerning the emotional, relationship-wise approach. Thanks to the availability of some experts from the legal environment, in many articles this aspect of the phenomenon is also considered. The complexity and multifactorial nature of bullying needs very wide range of interventions. The articles are grouped into thematic areas : What to do to reduce bullying , who should take action, the types of intervention, bullying and right , what determines the effectiveness of interventions; emotional approach to relational bullying, a global approach to the phenomenon of bullying , developed since 1997 through research and intervention , mainly - but not only - in scholastic and educational sphere. It 's an intervention of psycho- socio-educational kind, based on skills concerning: school psychology , clinical psychology, psychotherapy functional of the body, social and small groups psychology, psychotherapy of emotional disorders, psychology, and treatment of disorders that are associated with stress, educational psychology. Among the various operational applications, we note the Emotional Relational Paths with classes . (the section also includes the proceedings of the conference " Bullying - What are we doing? comparing experiences" held in Trento in December 2002). The Statement, the Tips for Students, for Parents ,Teachers and Educators , Information relevant to an understanding of the phenomenon of bullying , to understand the features, social manifestations , causes, and to avoid easy simplifications or confusions . Bullying and cyber-bullying ( cyberbullying ) , spread of the phenomenon , guide for parents , Posters , Forum where you can find the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about bullying , and Reflections
The usefulness of the site can be found in its content of Agile Guide for Parents that are authorized Italian translation of the Parent Easy Guides. Parent Easy Guides collect a series of practical and easy to read tips, regarding a number of issues that parents face from infancy to adolescence. Despite their simplicity and clarity, the feedback and advice that are provided are based on a deep understanding of interpersonal relations and educational needs related to various stages of growth. They do not provide all the necessary answers, but they suggest some elements that allow to understand the boys’ needs and some ideas about how to deal with certain behaviors and, in this way, they can be useful. although they can not replace the advice of an expert in situations of difficulty or of permanent discomfort.