Target Group
Headmasters, Teachers, Students, Parents
Description of Contents
The guide entitled “Youth against violence” was drawn up by the Education Sciences Institute within the POSDRU project 1/1.1/S/6, ID 4568, financed by the European Social Fund.
The Guide is a collection of 16 good practices selected from different educational institutions in the country (schools, colleges, school inspectorates, county resources and pedagogical assistance centre, teachers’ training centre). These are educational projects that involved students of all ages, from primary education to college, teachers, parents, school psychologists, the local community.
All the good pratices models are structured as follows: the name of the institution, the location, the author, the title of the good practices model, its brief presentation, the situation/ the context that gave rise to the emergence of the good practices model, the tasks/the problems/the specific aspects that need to be answered, actions taken, expected/acquired results, reflections/learnt lessons, positive aspects, negative aspects, material, financial, human resources necessary to implement projects, useful links, references, contact persons, key words.
The content of the publication is available electronically on :
The good practices models in this guide lend support to teachers, students and their parents aiming at preventing and reducing violent behaviour among students, reducing children’s vulnerability to violence/abuse, the victimization risk, and the number of violence cases / abuse in family, school, community.
The good practices models presented in the guide aim at involving multiple actors in identifying solutions for the parents and students’ violence incidents; rising school community awareness concerning the beneficial effects of the combined actions belonging to different categories of actors; all the teachers’ more active involvement in solving the violence situations; making parents aware about the importance of their role in their children’s education, as well as in cutting out/reducing the number of violence situations in school; involving students in solving the conflicting situations/violence acts; shaping in students a responsible behaviour by making them aware about the consequences of the violence acts that they generate; students acquiring experience in solving problems and living a life without conflicts and violence, an experience that most students do not have the chance to live in their own families.
In order to review the good models practices called “Youths against violence”, this was analyzed in terms of the structure clarity, of the logic of the content sequences, of the educational values, of the quality and content relevance and its compatibility with the target group it addresses to, by concluding that they correspond for the most part. Therefore, there were some improvements:
- Regarding the logic of the content sequences, the good models practices presented were ranked according to the students’ age they address to, as well, the educational institutions were grouped taking into account the category they belong to;
- In terms of quality and content relevance and content, some of the objectives were reworded, according to the activities and the expected results following their implementation.
The good practices models presented refer to preventing and combating violence activities in schools, being supplemented by the analyses of the acquired/expected results and reflections/learnt lessons as a result of carrying out project activities. As well, there are mentioned useful links for documentation. The structure of the good practices models presented is complex and complete, being a true guide for all the stakeholders in preventing and combating violence in school.
The activities within the presented projects as models of good practices are appropriate for the category of students they are addressed to. This aspect emerges as a result of the acquired results analyses, of the learnt and of the presented reflections.
The results expected as a result of implementing the actions/projects presented as models of good practices are useful for retrieving patterns of best practices by all schools that aim at:
- improving the school athmosphere, as a result of cutting down the violence and conflicting situations ;
- a much more efficient students’ managing by form masters and teachers ;
- rising parents’ interest in their own children’s school records and relational situation ;
- solving down some situations calmly and patiently, without parents threatening and displaying violence;
- reducing the number of violent acts caused by students;
- awareness of violence among students, parents and teachers;
- children, parents and teachers’ sensitizing regarding the consequences of the violence acts;
- improving the students’ volunteer involvement in preventing activities ;
- school community awareness of the beneficial effects of the combined different actors’ actions;
- a more active involvement of all teachers in school in solving down the violence situations;
- parents’ awareness of their role importance in children’s education, as well as eradicating/cutting down the violence acts in school;
- involving students in solving down conflicting situations/violence acts;
- giving rise to a responsible behaviour in students by making them aware of the consequences of the violence acts they cause;
- students’ acquiring experiences in solving problems and leading a life without conflicts and violence, an experience that most students do not have in their own families.