Title of Product
Technical sheet “Situations of early school leaving”
Name of Author(s)
Website “J’accroche”
Name of Producer
Website “J’accroche”
Date of Production
Since 2007
Language of the review
Language of the product
Type of product
Online Publication
Thematic Area
Identification of students’ at risk
Description of Contents
The website www.jaccroche.be is an information sharing platform on early school leaving in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles that collects studies, testimonies, educational resources, addresses …
“J’accroche!” (“I hold on!”), are the words of the teenager who decides to pull himself together, but also those of the parents and professionals who reach out this young person in difficulty.
The site gathers initiatives taken by everyone to fight this phenomenon. It proposes tools to better understand and ideas to find efficient and coherent solutions.
The technical sheet “Situations of early school leaving” aims to identify and act, and is addressed to education professionals (teachers, educators, social workers...).
The authors of the sheet “Situations of early school leaving” consider that it is possible to identify a student who is dropping out, even if it is difficult because of the multiple causes.
They propose a list with the most frequent situations of early school leaving:
• Absence because of long-term illness
• Unjustified absences
• Addictions
• Serious disruptive behaviour in the school/conflict with the school
• Learning difficulty or lack of prerequisites/unsuited guidance
• Family difficulties
• Financial difficulties/student who works
• Discriminations at school
• Late enrolment
• Refusal to enrol/non-enrolment in a school/temporary or definitive expulsion
• School rupture
For each situation, they propose ideas of action, advice to help the students and their parents to face the problem.
The ideas of action are based on the idea that school failure concerns us all, whether we are the student who cannot follow, the parents who cannot help their child, the teacher who was not able to transmit knowledge, the social worker in the specialised service…
They favour dialogue with the teenager, but also with their parents to make them partners in the search for solutions.
This tool is particularly interesting for teachers who have received little or no training to address this problem they encounter every day.
It is available for free and for everyone on the website.