
Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco

Name of the person involved in the event:
Margarida Morgado

Date of the event:
05 April 2013 - 05 April 2013

Type of Dissemination event:
Training Seminar

Description of Dissemination Event:
Margarida Morgado presented the aims and objectives of the School Safety Net Project to Master classes in Supervision and School Education at Escola Superior de Educação (IPCB). Borchures were distributed with relevant information; a powerpoint was shown and left in print.

Target group:
Teachers, Policy leaders

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Castelo Branco, Portugal

Outcomes and Results:
These 20 teachers and policy leaderscome from different schools in the region and they may act as multipliers of the information.
Availability was shown to go to each of their schools and talk about the proejct. Teachers and policy makers in their capacity as master students were also invited to write their final dissertations in the area of the School Safety Net project and on materials developed by the project.

Supporting Documents: