The Project
The School Safety Net project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA4 Dissemination and Exploitation of Results, and Exchange of Good Practice), intends to address the need of European school systems to prevent early school leaving.
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From this section it is possible to access to each project partner description. There are thirteen partners involved in eleven different European countries. The transnational partnership includes universities, education and training organizations and one technical partner.
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The School Safety Net project is funded in the framework of the
Lifelong Learning Programme – KA4 Dissemination and Exploitation of Results, and Exchange of Good Practice Action.
The School Safety Net project addresses the issue of early school leaving.
The project addresses the following four main issues which have a relevant impact on early school leaving:
- Early identification of students at risk
- Integration of immigrant students
- Support to students with learning disabilities
- Prevention of school bullying
The target groups are:
- Schools
- Teachers
- Headmasters
- Students
- Parents
The project is organised into 4 main activities:
- Collection of Success stories in tackling school early leaving
- Collection of Training Materials, Reference Documents and Guidelines for the prevention of early school leaving
- Collection of teachers experiences in dealing with early school leaving issues
- Production of case scenarios on early school leaving and related strategies to solve them
For further information, please visit
The Project page.