The School Safety Net project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA4 Dissemination and Exploitation of Results, and Exchange of Good Practice), intends to address the need of European school systems to prevent early school leaving.
The project addresses the following four main issues which have a relevant impact on early school leaving:
- Early identification of students at risk
- Integration of immigrant students
- Support to students with learning disabilities
- Prevention of school bullying
The project main activities are:
A) Success stories in tackling school early leaving
The aim is to provide teachers, students, parents, headmasters and policy makers in the educational sector with a collection of success stories related to the issue of early school leaving. The success stories present the perspectives of all the main actors involved in the early school leaving issue. These are: headmasters, teachers, students and parents.
Availability on the project portal of a collection of success stories
B) Collection of Teaching Resources
The aim of this activity is to provide the target groups of the project with:
- Direct access to already existing training and educational sources to prevent early school leaving
- Reviews of publications on early school leaving
- A collection of guidelines for headmasters, teachers, parents, students and policy makers in order to provide them with the skills to prevent early school leaving.
Availability on the project portal of:
- Reviews of training and educational sources
- Reviews of publications,
- Collection of guidelines
C) Collection of teachers’ experiences
The aim of this activity is to collect teachers’ experiences related to the issue of early school leaving.
Availability on the project portal of a collection of teachers experiences enriched with by contribution by other teachers
D) Case Scenarios
The aim of this activity is to create case scenarios on early school leaving starting from the real experiences described by the teachers and adapted in order to cover more exemplary and complex challenges. Schools involved also jointly cooperate in the production of strategies to solve the case scenarios.
Availability on the project portal of case scenarios on early school leaving with related strategies to solve them.