Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Also available in:


Homepage > Guidelines

Integration of immigrants students

Guideline for Students


9. Manage Your Emotions and Feelings


  1. Learn how to express feelings and respect yourself. You do not need to be aggressive
  2. You may say and think what you like provided you do not hurt others. Your feelings and emotions may be positive or negative.
  3. It is important to be able to say no, as well as to ask for and respond to favours.
  4. Learn how to initiate, maintain and end conversations.
  5. Learn to be resilient. Expose yourself to adverse contexts and adapt positively.

Training Sources From the School Safety Net Portal

Success Stories From the School Safety Net Portal

  • Give them the weapons to fight! (Greece)
    The story of a bullied boy who succeeded to build resilience and self confidence thanks to a combined intervention from other kids, the school and some supportive and assertive parents.


  • Universitè de Paix
    Publications and training modules proposed by “Universitè de Paix” (Belgium).




20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.