Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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 Found 37 Publication(s)

“Effects of Migration: Children Left Home” Georgiana Toth Alexandru Toth Ovidiu Voicu Mihaela Ştefănescu
“Living in Belgium”, guide for people who arrive in Brussels and Wallonia Jonathan Willems, Agence Alter
“Melting classes” Journey through the interculturality school (« Melting classes » Voyage à l’école de l’interculturalité) Coordinated by Annick Bonnefond, trainer at “ChanGements pour l’Egalité” (CGé – Change for equality)
“Romania attractive for immigrants” Liliana Simionescu
“What jobs are searched by immigrants in Romania?” n/a
« Welcoming and Integrating » Guide for teachers who received a newly-arrived child « Accueillir et intégrer » Guide pour enseignants accueillant un enfant nouvellement arrivé au pays MENFP – Foreign children schooling service
"Integration of Immigrants: A new study compares and ranks Romania as compared to other countries in Europe and North America» n/a
"New regulations on aliens in Romania» n/a
An Intercultural School – Citizenship, participation and interaction: the resources of a multicultural society Aluisi Tosolini, Simone Giusti, Gabriella Papponi Morelli (a cura di) Edizioni Erickson
Building Partnerships with Immigrant Parents Sobel, Andrea and Kuger, Eileen Gale
Drop out and attention to diversity Domínguez Fernández, A.
Drop out in the immigrant population Azuqueca de Henares Martín de Juan, Elena y Cámara Alves, Antonio
Education to Diversity for Young People… by Young People ! « L’éducation à la diversité pour les jeunes … par les jeunes ! » Various authors IRFAM letter “Diversités et Citoyennetés” n° 23
Educational integration of cultural minorities Chamizo de la Rubia, José.
Helping unaccompanied under-aged immigrants setting roots in school Catherine Moreau, Magazine PROF
Immigrant Students' Reading Skills, New Country Depends on How Much Time Is Found what? Francesco Avvisati
Immigration-integration of migrants Vasileios Pantazis
Intercultural mediation and the construction of dialogues in difference: some reflections Casa-Nova, Maria José
Intercultural skills at school: between diversity and equality « Compétences interculturelles à l’école : entre diversité et égalité » Article by Audrey Heine and Laurent Licata Magazine “l’Agenda Interculturel” no 309 – Dossier “Egalité et/ou diversité à l’école”
Limeric The LiMErIC project group
Mainstreaming diversity – Analytical collection of intervention tools to foster diversities « Développer le mainstreaming de la diversité » Recueil analytique d'outils d'intervention pour la va... Various authors
One day at school with an excelled immigrant Yiannis Papadopoulos
Per una scuola dell’inclusione (A comprehensive school) Graziella Favaro
Plan for providing education of immigrant students in the autonomous community of Andalusia Junta de Andalucía
Praise the student repeating Eraldo Affinati
Progress Report of Project SMILE (Supporting Multicultural Integration and Learning) Giorio, Patrizia
Quality education for all Eğitim Reformu Girişimi (ERG)
School and changing the Dynamics of cultural organization: the case of a Gipsy community Vieira, Maria Madalena Cardoso Falcoeira
Support of Migrants in Science Education Tanja Tajmel, Klaus Starl
The gypsy children education. A proposal for inclusion in school García Guzmán, A.
The Integration of Immigrants in Athens: Developing indicators and Statistical measures. Martin Baldwin-Edwards
The integration of immigrants in Greece. The problems of the second generation. Anastasia Chaliapa
The psychopathology of children of migrant workers and the use of mental health services. D.K.Anagnostopoulos, V. Rotsika, M.Vlassopoulou, E. Pechlivanidou, L. Legaki, E. Rogkakou, V. Kaltsi, E. Lazaratou
The Word Makes Equal Don Lorenzo Milani
Turkish and Immigrant Students Text Coherence in Written Expression Coşkun Eyyup
When school lessons are different from home lessons: a psychosocial approach to Muslim immigrants’ children’s relations to knowledge « Quand les leçons de l’école ne sont pas celles de la mai... Audrey Heine, Nicolas Van der Linden, Charlotte van den Abeele and Laurent Licata
Wonder (Ing) R.J. Palacio

20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.