And if for once young people led the way? If for once young people had something to teach us?
This is what proposes the letter of IRFAM “Diversités et Citoyennetés”.
It starts with an introduction to the challenges of diversity in the youth sector.
Then, a report is dedicated to EPTO (European Peer Training Organisation).
EPTO is made up of European young people who use peer education to inform other young people and bring them to fight the various forms of discriminations in our societies. The strength of the EPTO method, it is its growth potential, the snowball effect, which can make a difference in world in which prejudices spread faster than truths.
(Note that Inforef described EPTO’s peer training programme against prejudices and discriminations in the section training source of the “School Safety Net” portal.
It is followed by several short testimonials in English of young peer trainers of the EPTO network. They enlighten the reader on the reasons of their commitment, what motivates them, what prompts them to act, often voluntarily. Another testimonial in English recount one of the many training sessions organised by EPTO through Europe.
The letter of IRFAM ends with an experience carried out in Visé (near Liège) by AMO « Reliance ». This experience directly inspired by EPTO, shows that the method can easily be applied at the local level.
The people in charge of AMO explain the concept of “relay people” they set up in areas near the town of Visé, where the association organises work in the streets to meet young people in difficulty. AMO developed this concept in order to be accessible by as many young people as possible.