The act of suicidal schoolgirl who fell bullied by her classmates in the school environment a few weeks ago, or the physical violence a student has suffered in high school of Paleo Faliro few days ago, and hundreds of incidents that occur daily in every school in the country has received wide proportions in recent years, puzzling and convulsing nationwide for the role of the modern school and whether it is safe for our children.
Ms. Maria Petropoulos is a philologist and writer. In this publication presents the positions and the role of teachers in a very critical issue on school bullying. What is the role of teachers? Their role is to manage the diversity of each child and its corresponding behavior (age, origin, social background, economic level, cultural and educational level of the family, temperament, sensitivity of each child, etc. ). Also teacher’s tole is to learn the children to believe in themselves, to help them realize that they are a unique and unrepeatable personality and that they have to not allow any compunction any dummy to discret them . To learn to deal with each violent phenomenon being phlegmatic, indifferent and superior, so that the abuser to lose interest. To prevent problem behaviors the teacher should be able to secure a successful address the class through creating a positive learning environment, which is the best type of preventive medicine.