In this dossier dedicated to bullying between students, Catherine Moreau addressed the way to “detect it”, “counter it” and “prevent it”.
In the first part, the author sums up the issue (definition, actors, consequences ...) and its extent in our schools, supported by statistics.
The dossier then addresses bullying management and prevention:
• Detect it
The author describes the signs that should alarm teachers.
Specialists are unanimous: a change of behaviour from the child or teenager, unexplained by other factors.
• Counter it
The author indicates how to act with students and classes (victim support, perpetrator punishment, support by specialised services …), in accordance with the law.
• Prevent it
The author emphasizes school initiatives to guarantee a climate of tolerance, dialogue and listening (probably the best prevention of bullying between students), and the help specialised services can bring.
This dossier evokes the signs that should alarm educational teams and the possible consequences for the victims of this form of violence. It proposes tools, des methods and services to help education professionals to face the different forms of bullying between students. And prevent them.
It must be noted that this dossier also includes work from the “I am not scared” project in which Inforef participated between 2010 and 2012.
In addition to Catherine Moreau’s dossier, the website of education in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles proposes a non-exhaustive collection of resources for education professionals: