Chapter 1. Preventing aggressive behavior in schools
I. Violence in schools - conceptualization.
What does "aggressive"?
II. Types and forms of violence Possible causes of aggressive behavior in the school context. Consequences of the manifestation of aggressive behavior in the school context.
III. Strategies to prevent and reduce bullying in the school context
1. Introducing parents in prevention and intervention programs
2. Changing educational contexts using punishment
3. Children learning social skills
Module I - Emotional Education
Module II - Solving social problems
Module III - Social Interaction
Module IV - Controlling Anger
Module V - Recognition and management behaviors
Chapter 2. Classroom behavior management
How can we intervene to reduce aggressive behavior?
Chapter 3. Specific interventions to manage aggressive behavior
I. A different way of looking at aggression
II. Individualized behavioral interventions applied in particular situations of aggression
III. How can we intervene in reducing aggressive behaviors specific bulling? What is bullying site?
Parents, teachers, professionals are witnessing daily, directly or indirectly, to manifest in various forms (verbal, physical or emotional ) of aggressive behavior in school.
These behaviors have many consequences , which can be grouped into two categories :
- Consequences acting on socio-emotional development of students
- Consequences act of teaching - learning in schools program aims to provide a contingency plan for teachers and students, divided into three levels, with specific objectives and methods. The first two stage, curricula and classroom behavior management , aimed at preventing the emergence and development of aggressive behavior, and is done with the whole class, while the third is a specific intervention approach, with some students already exhibiting aggressive behavior school, in class or during breaks, and intervention targeting only them.
The lessons that are part of the curricula aim to help students understand, through hours of interactive and stimulating group, which is the mechanism behind these aggressive behaviors and how we may be in his control (mechanism not operate automatically, "without us") so that the school is a friendly, not a hostile and threatening.