The students who show difficulty with learning Mathematics in general education system have an important place. The suggestions that some learning environments should be provided for these students and that it will stay effective and productive for the process of learning and teaching are discussed. When learning disabilities are mentioned, the disabilities in this accordance are meant. Whether or not the students have disability in learning Mathematics and to what extent they have can be explained only by means of the difference between the results of standardized student success tests and intelligence tests and the results of their peers. (Mazzocco & Myers, 2003). That the teachers are aware of the students’ individual differences besides they touch on the relationships and concept by selecting meaningful problem situations while editing learning and teaching phase improves the efficiency and effectiveness of learning.
Individual differences are previewed in literature in terms of a lot of different perspectives and different models are improved. The students’ different intelligence fields (Gardner, 1984) and levels, styles of learning (Kolb, 1984), motivation, (Hofstein & Walberg, 1995; Solomon, 1996) and cognitive skills (Witkin % Goodenenough, 1981; Armstrong, 2000) can be shown as examples for that. During the process of learning and teaching, keeping what is learnt in memory and recalling them back when it is necessary are necessary. The students having problems with their memories encounter problems with keeping the basic knowledge about both mathematics and other courses or new information about the topic in memory or mind and recalling them when it is necessary. Understanding mathematical information in deep and looking at topics from different perspectives are of important places. Cognitive and metacognitive skills are basic skills in gaining mathematical thinking. To what extent the students facing this problem can use the skills they have, what they can do to identify an appropriate method and to select it, to what extent they can change the attitudes they have gained during the process of coming over this problem to other different problematic situations are helpful for us to comprehend cognitive and metacognitive skills the students have.
In this research, the students with learning problems are discussed and the reasons behind these problems are searched. At the end of the research, being aware of the reason why students have learning problem is one of the most important steps while creating the best learning environment. It is also needed to take other different reasons rather than teaching attitudes to consideration. Making an assessment without considering the elements affecting students’ performances, namely, saying that a student is successful or unsuccessful in the field of mathematics would be a step which would be taken falsely.