The publication attempts to establish a relation between cyberbullying dynamics and successful school profiles, and, for this, they consider the relations between bullying and school performance at their extremes, that of success and that called school failure, naming several of the relevant factors for its understanding. Establishing a relation between school success and cyberbullying supposes the approach to several aspects linked to the particular features of the environment in which the bullying takes place and its relation with the personal profiles of the participants, some may appear less often in face-to-face bullying between peers.
In the used method, the answers of Compulsory Secondary Education are compared, in a self-report that evaluates cyberbullying by comparing the scores of the different profiles that are assigned to the different subjects.
Regarding the results, several differences are observed in school success between the profiles in face-to-face bullying and on the Internet, but not when it happens through cell phone. In the part of the discussion, we find how the features of the virtual contexts could provide peculiarities of participation in bullying dynamics and of answers to it, something that could favor its use by the subjects that do not do it in face-to-face bullying. Intermediary variables could modulate the impact of the victimization on school success.
The contribution that School Success and Cyberbullying (Éxito Escolar y Cyberbullying) provides are very relevant for the School Safety Net Project, as it analyzes the influence of mistreatment between peers taking into account the school success of the students from secondary education, considering the different profiles that are built on it from the different types of bullying, preferably through cell phones and the Internet (cyberbullying), which is a reason of one of the most frequent risk factors that cause school absenteeism.
Counting with studies of these kind provides information to improve the practices regarding the problematic of school bullying, because after analyzing the collected data the necessity of taking preventive measures is established, by supporting the idea of establishing both preventive and intervention programs, focusing in the educative communities that commit in the moral field, to work, on the one hand, in interpersonal relationships, and, on the other, over the factors that mediate between academic achievement and the processes of bullying (Wienkei, 2006) or the work of help and friendship (Sullivan, 2001) among other.
Among the elements that need work we could point out the concept of privacy or publicity in the spaces generated on the Internet and social media (Lenhart, 2007), as the confusion between these is already observed in young teenagers, which generates a higher diffusion of the information, with a higher rate of incidence in the female sexual sphere.
Therefore, there will be collaboration to foment the safe spaces in academic contexts, that facilitate the success in school and prevent school absenteeism.