Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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You have to face things
Lower Secondary School
Identification of students’ at risk
The student protagonist of the story is part of a Latin American immigrant family. The mother has lived with multiple partners, and has temporary work odd hours.
The mother is known for being casual and avoids dealing with problems, constantly justifying and covering up your child absenteeism of 15.
Moreover, the student truant is a formal, reserved child who likes to be in school. Works well and has a normal behavior, and is well integrated into the classroom and with peers.
One thing to note is the change of school the student has suffered, as has gone from a concerted to a public school.
In the center where they are schooled, Educational Care is Preferred. Most of the professionals who are working there is because they have expressly solitado and they have had to carry out a specific project to develop there. An important detail is that there is a wide variety of reasons for this, as it is easier to find work in a center of this type than others.
Another factor that negatively affects the student experience with this, is the existence of an older sibling in the same school with some part of absenteeism and less than exemplary behavior.
Finish the full course missing in May and June. The TS asks for a report
send the case to council.

Trigger the change:
Meeting surprise which clarify all relevant issues of student truancy with his mother.
During the academic year 2003-2004 were conducted school absenteeism reports by contacting council educational technicians responsible for absenteeism.
The school is very interested in this case and fully involved in resolving the same.
It also works constantly with the social worker, very concerned about the situation and the mother cites sitas often generate false.
The heads of the school and are tired of so many irregularities and that when
say things to remain as if nothing had happened. Given this and knowing that he will not attend
no citations (the mother), the school management organized an ambush. It left him clear things had to give all sorts of explanations, apologize ...
From here regularizing attendance goes with ups and downs, until the child, a good
day presented himself at school. Absenteeism has disappeared since he can go alone to
Critical analysis:
The key to success:
Evidence of the success of the case is the student's continued asistenica to school normally, it Relying on the clear collaboration between partners with the student and teacher understanding about the situation.
The center is also of vital importance because it performs all modifications that are necessary to ensure that the student meets normally and have sense of progress and therefore involvement in academic tasks that arise.
The key to success in this case, has been the persistence of professionals and complete dedication, as well as good coordination.
On the other hand, has been very important to the smooth flow of information between schools and the city, and the involvement of all.
It has also proved to be decisive for the presence of an educator closely following the case.
It is important to start early to intervene in such situations, it is not a difficult task and takes a lot of time and dedication that sometimes becomes tedious.
The main protagonists of the success of this case are:
-Social Worker
-Educator families and educators of EPI
Key actions undertaken to understand is to understand the performance guidelines distitnas truancy cases. Nationally, the Education Act (LOE, 2066) stable schools must ensure the overall development of its students for what to make much curriculum adaptations as necessary. It also identifies the Regional Government schools located in high risk areas sociocultural. These centers reiben more specific attention and greater human and material resources.

Keys to success with Domain Transfer are possible:

Empathy on the part of teachers.
Plasticity of the school.
Direct involvement of teachers, guidance and management team.
Interest by the student.
Collaborative family final.

20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.