The protagonist of the story is a student of North African origin 12 years. The student's parents are African, specifically the father is Libyan and Moroccan mother.
The family consists of 4 members, father, mother and the protagonist and one younger brother.
The family is generally carefree and disorganized. Children are often quite time alone on the street, without any control.
Children who grow up without a daily routine or without limits often challenging and are constantly looking for and testing how far they can go. The student is also reluctant to assume their responsibilities as picking up toys , doing chores, etc. .
The family sells in large quantities or larger market.
The student's family has a conception of the school very negative, especially the father. The student's parent think school is useless, and the most important thing is that your son play football. The student is aimed at two different schools of football to train daily double. The father makes him believe the child is going to be a great player, and he should therefore strive in football and in school, because school's father says his son is worthless.
The student is signed up for tutoring, you pay the mother in most cases without knowing the father.
In addition, the student is enrolled in a school in the locality where parents work, but not from where you live, so you have to get up very early to go to school. The student misses very frequently, and parents cover it.
Trigger the change:
The tutor sick of continuing failures and delays, decides to talk to the director and the mother and give an ultimatum.
The student constantly missing school that day and also went to school it was getting late and disrupting classes.
The teacher had had many meetings with the mother (the father was never interested in the situation of the learner). In the meetings the mother is always on the defensive. The mother believes that her professor used against racial prejudice.
The guardian of the student and are desperate, and the student is nervous and does not allow normally teach.
The manager is aware of the situation, and decided not to make a report to social services. Create convenient to first hold a meeting with both parents and the tutor to clarify the situation. The Direct wants to put in a warning to the student's parents, that if not rectified student attendance intervene social affairs center.
Critical analysis
Key to Success:
Evidence of the success of the case is the student's continued asistenica to school normally.
The center is also of vital importance because it performs all modifications that are necessary to ensure that the student meets normally and have sense of progress and therefore involvement in academic tasks that arise.
After much patience and continuous negotiations with the family, the director has managed to regularize the situation of the learner.
In school where the student is enrolled, is a school where there is usually no such problems. Therefore, the center has turned to resolve this case. Teachers have been involved and worked unilaterally, "all for one".
The mother also worked, trying to make him see his father the importance that students go to school.
Key actions undertaken to understand is to understand the performance guidelines distitnas truancy cases. Nationally, the Education Act (LOE, 2066) stable schools must ensure the overall development of its students for what to make much curriculum adaptations as necessary. It also identifies the Regional Government schools located in high risk areas sociocultural. These centers reiben more specific attention and greater human and material resources.
Keys to success with domain transfer are possible:
qualified teachers
Teacher collaboration .
The flexibility of the curriculum .
Empathy on the part of teachers.
The plasticity of the school.
The concern of the tutor .
The direct involvement of teachers , guidance and management team .
Critical analysis
Key to Success:
Evidence of the success of the case is the student's continued asistenica to school normally.
The center is also of vital importance because it performs all modifications that are necessary to ensure that the student meets normally and have sense of progress and therefore involvement in academic tasks that arise.
After much patience and continuous negotiations with the family, the director has managed to regularize the situation of the learner.
In school where the student is enrolled, is a school where there is usually no such problems. Therefore, the center has turned to resolve this case. Teachers have been involved and worked unilaterally, "all for one".
The mother also worked, trying to make him see his father the importance that students go to school.
Key actions undertaken to understand is to understand the performance guidelines distitnas truancy cases. Nationally, the Education Act (LOE, 2066) stable schools must ensure the overall development of its students for what to make much curriculum adaptations as necessary. It also identifies the Regional Government schools located in high risk areas sociocultural. These centers reiben more specific attention and greater human and material resources.
Keys to success with domain transfer are possible:
qualified teachers
Teacher collaboration .
The flexibility of the curriculum .
Empathy on the part of teachers.
The plasticity of the school.
The concern of the tutor .
The direct involvement of teachers , guidance and management team .