Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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I want to succeed in life
Lower Secondary School
Students with learning difficulties
The student is in seventh grade (2012-13). He lives in a poor neighborhood, Letanias, located in Polígono Sur, Seville. His family is of low socioeconomic status. Living at home the father, mother, older sister and the student. The family shows, always, a positive attitude toward school and is interested about the student's training. The family wishes to obtain a degree, because it can open doors to a better future. So, the family, shown cooperating with the center to improve student behavior and attitude toward school.
This student goes to school regularly, but their behavior is conflicting and challenging, making it difficult for teachers, harming the classroom climate and their own school career.
The student shows a prior history of school failure and has been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity. This information is known to the center, thanks to Transit Program, establishing communication channels between primary schools and secondary schools.
The center is named Preferred Care Education. There are thirty-two teachers, only two of them stable. Most are working there because they have expressly requested and they have had to carry out a specific project to be developed in the center. An important detail is that there is a wide variety of reasons for this, as it is easier to find work in a center of this type than others.

Reasons for change:
The student does not want to repeat the year, wants to promote with age peers, and improve their attitude. Furthermore, the center controls the proper administration of student medication, with the consent and family collaboration.

The student wants attention constantly to his teammates, so manifest disruptive behavior in the classroom and try to challenge their teachers often.
After holding serious talks with parents and teachers, the student has realized it needs to change. Their negative attitude to school and conflictive only hurts, so he decides to change and focus on their studies with good results.
Part of the success is also due to the professionalism of the teachers of the school. This group is adapted to the different situations that occur in high school and also tries to make the most of each student optimizing the resources available to it. That is, try to plan teaching on ensuring that any student who is reinstated to classes is not misplaced and thus make it easier to resume his academic work as normally as possible. The main purpose is that students feel again protagonists and can follow the thread of the class in the best possible conditions.
Thus, the student is motivated to do homework best, feeling satisfied with their daily work. The student has goals in the medium and long term, he wants to obtain the middle school degree and have a career.

Evidence of the success of the case is a continued positive attitude of the student about the school, and their active involvement in learning. Teachers, families and students themselves manifest the great change, now the student is actively involved in schoolwork and disruptive behaviors have disappeared.
In this case, the participation of all groups involved was relevant.
The family, in full agreement with previous educational proposals, shows its full cooperation with the school, supporting policy proposals center on your child.

The center is also of vital importance as it makes all changes to be made to get the student begins to have a sense of progress and therefore involvement in academic tasks that arise. In this sense, the center attempts to individualize instruction to maximize each student find the sense of learning. Teachers, with patience, seeking a workable curriculum for each student, doing an adaptation and flexible hours, and looking for activities that students can assimilate with their daily lives.

Key to understanding the actions undertaken is to identify the different guidelines action in cases of absenteeism. Nationally, the Education Law (LOE, 2006) states that schools must ensure the overall development of its students. This requires make such adjustments to the curriculum as needed. It also, the Regional Government identifies schools located in high risk areas. These centers receive more specific attention and increased materials and human resources.

The student perceived his own success, caused by his new attitude, and the positive consequences. He associates the job to job success, in addition to personal satisfaction, reinforced by the school at all times.

Keys to success with possible transfers:
-Family unconditional cooperation.
-Plasticity of the school.
-Student involvement.
-Direct involvement of teachers, guidance and management team.
-Positive expectations from teachers to students.
Critical analysis:
Evidence of the success of the case is a continued positive attitude of the student about the school, and their active involvement in learning. Teachers, families and students themselves manifest the great change, now the student is actively involved in schoolwork and disruptive behaviors have disappeared.
In this case, the participation of all groups involved was relevant.
The family, in full agreement with previous educational proposals, shows its full cooperation with the school, supporting policy proposals center on your child.

The center is also of vital importance as it makes all changes to be made to get the student begins to have a sense of progress and therefore involvement in academic tasks that arise. In this sense, the center attempts to individualize instruction to maximize each student find the sense of learning. Teachers, with patience, seeking a workable curriculum for each student, doing an adaptation and flexible hours, and looking for activities that students can assimilate with their daily lives.

Key to understanding the actions undertaken is to identify the different guidelines action in cases of absenteeism. Nationally, the Education Law (LOE, 2006) states that schools must ensure the overall development of its students. This requires make such adjustments to the curriculum as needed. It also, the Regional Government identifies schools located in high risk areas. These centers receive more specific attention and increased materials and human resources.

The student perceived his own success, caused by his new attitude, and the positive consequences. He associates the job to job success, in addition to personal satisfaction, reinforced by the school at all times.

Keys to success with possible transfers:
-Family unconditional cooperation.
-Plasticity of the school.
-Student involvement.
-Direct involvement of teachers, guidance and management team.
-Positive expectations from teachers to students.

20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.