Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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The School of Life
High Secondary School
Students with learning difficulties
My name is Onciu Irinel and I’m a student in the twelfth grade of “Dr. Mihai Ciuca” High school from Saveni, Botosani county. My mother, the classteacher and the principal of this high school played important roles in my story..
In June of 2011, due to some problems and shortages that affected my family, (my parents divorced and my mum became the breadwinner of our family)I decided to put off the school and find a job. I had only three weeks to finish the eleventh grade and I never thought to be patient enough to end it up; consequently, I went to work in building domain somewhere in the country, without telling anyone from school about my leaving. My class master called my mum and found me, listened to me and tried to persuade me to come back; but together with the principal, they decided to “teach me a lesson”: they let me see how it is to work hard- ten hours per day, how embarrassing it was when my employer told me I can’t be paid more due to the lack of my qualification. In the meantime, my class master flunk me, so I had some chances to come to an end with my studies.I can’t say that in the end I gave up because of work, but due to my findings that my colleagues of 30- 40 years old, or even younger also gave up their studies and didn’t have any chances of advancing in their working field.This is the way I learnt my class master’s lesson.
I wanted more for me, I had my own plans to have a better life, that is why I’ve decided to return and start from where I stopped.It wasn’t easy for me but my class teacher smiled at me and said ” This is life and unfortunately, it has its own rules that must be learnt by ourselves!”. She even “punished me” by making me join the theater club and surprisingly, I really like it. I acted and was acclaimed, got important awards with my colleagues, which made me famous not only through our high school but also in the town. Therefore, I may say I succeeded from all points of view.
Now, I’m studying hard for my final exams,I will graduate from high school and I’ll take care with my working career because I’ve learnt my life lesson- sometimes we shouldn’t be stubborn and do everything as we wish but we should also rely on people that are trustworthy and support us unconditionally and not to be afraid to step backward when we are wrong.
I want my story be an example for the other children of my age, who even though they make a mistake, they deserve a second chance like me to learn the lesson life gives us themselves!
It is clearly a successful story, in which the happy ending was determined by Irinel’s family and his teachers’ efforts; they knew his personality and real potential and encouraged him to develop his own abilities; Irinel himself was as important as the previous factors because in the end, the decision he took to return to school belonged to him not to anyone else; he was the only one who studied hard to pass all his exams and the one who acted so well in the theater play. What is also memorable about this tale is the fact that all people involved worked together, took the best of all the opportunities given by either the school policy and its resources or by the ambition and qualities the ”main character” proved to be endowed with. Consequently, we think this life story must be known as an example worthy to be followed by any teenager or even by any teacher due to its ways of persuading children into coming to school by giving them the opportunity to discover their own desires and to assert themselves through extracurricular activities such as the theater.

20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.