A student of 13 years old and was studying second ESO in 2008. It is of Mexican origin and was adopted with his brother when they were older by a Spanish family without children. The socioeconomic status of the family was to be average. They have a family in which the child works. They live in a rural area. There are indications that the daughter's relationship with her adoptive parents was normal, with the typical problems of parents with teenagers. Moments of tension typical of adolescence. The girl spoke well of his parents and recognize the effort they did for her. He knew his biological parents, but had shown no interest in getting back with them. His older brother enters a juvenile facility for his bad behavior and over the years has been a bad example for her. Looks like he had adored her brother and perhaps the fact that the child would live under center was a blow emotionally to her.
Schooling is a large school, over a thousand students with highly developed course offering in which it is difficult to maintain close relationship with the educational community. It is a rural and low levels of conflict.
The child presents different problems. Gets many suspense, has a lot of conflict, is all the while drawing attention. Disrespect to teachers and peers.
The family was very concerned about the development of the child. Constantly came to the center and family-center communication was fluid.
Trigger of change:
Girl disappears from a Friday to a Tuesday. Was reported to the police. The whole center is involved in the search for the child, the family turns. Many volunteers from the village and the center are involved to try to find her. It was thought that the girl had come to have fun or something serious had happened to him and not shuffled he had gone to look for his brother. Finally, he had gone to be with his brother in another provincial town, but far away.
A week later, she returns to the center with a drastic change in behavior. Perhaps the origin of the change is in the whole search center turned on and that helped him realize that it was important for the faculty and their peers. Maybe she used to think it was not important to them and that was proof that I was wrong.
The child begins to respond to measures previously disipuesto for her. These include the adaptation of the curriculum and personalized attention. Teacher himself says keep a close relationship with the child.
Success is the child after his disappearance his behavior changes drastically. Stop messing in class, being disruptive and begins to focus on academic tasks. After several years, finished high school and continues to maintain contact with faculty with whom he had a very strong bond.
Critical analysis:
The keys to success can be summed to unconditional family involvement and full cooperation with the center for what has been important constant communication between family and school. Living in a rural environment has enabled the affection toward the child. Adapting curriculum and individualized attention. He cooperative learning facilitated its integration with peers and show their ability to learn in certain curricular areas. The respondent points out that the most important has been the establishment of a peer support program. In this type of program most competent students with good academic or classroom sociometric status are involved in the progress of colleagues who are disadvantaged. So, in this particular case, peers helped the student to realize that was important to them and that the center wanted her to learn and feel good.
The cooperation between peers is very important and improves social relations. The companions are better understood among them, as they are at the same level of power or hegemony. It is important in such cases to carry out actions among peers.
The performance that can be transferred to other contexts are:
Family-School Collaboration
Individual attention
Help emotional and academic peer
cooperative work
Bonding with an adult from the center
Show constant interest from teachers for their academic and personal progress