The protagonist of this story is a student who belongs to a family of Gypsies from low socio-economic level. They live in a poor neighborhood, specifically in the litany of our Lady, located in the neighborhood of South Industrial Park of the city of Seville. This information is relevant for the understanding of this case. In Spain, this type of families tend to be characterised by a peculiar culture. In the Gypsy families, men send pro up women. In the Gypsy families, women should be responsible only for the attention of domestic and family tasks.In this family live together: father, mother, grandmother, two older brothers and protagonist of the student.
The student attends 1st grade of secondary education. Academic year 2012-2013. She regularly attended school, got good grades and also showed signs associated with a good psychosocial adjustment. Nevertheless, one day everything changed. The student had to stop going to school because her mother and her grandmother were sick. As she was the only healthy woman of the family he had to replace the responsibilities of her mother and her grandmother. The student became responsible for household chores and the care of his brother (older than her). These tasks were incompatible with the high school attendance. Therefore, the student had to leave the high school while the situation is solved.
The Center is education preferred. In the school are working 32 teachers now, and only two are fixed. Many teachers are working there because they have expressly requested that Center. In addition must be made a previous project to develop. An important detail is that there are a variety of reasons to request the educational center, as it is easier to find work in a centre of this kind than others.
Trigger the change: everything returns to normal when the mother and the grandmother is retrieved. The family returned home, and resume the activities in the home. The student returns to normal.
The student, after recovering his grandmother and his mother, returns to school. The student does not have any academic mismatch. The student has been able to join the high school without any problems. Colleagues have helped you, explaining what was given in class. The companions did so voluntarily. The success is due also to the professionalism of the teachers of the school. This high school is adapted to the different situations that occur at school. The teachers are trying to enhance the capacities of each student. The school takes advantage of available resources. High school tries to get education to all students. The main objective of the school is to make the participants feel motivated. In addition, educational centre aims to students to continue the pace of the classes.
Critical analysis:
Evidence of the success of this event is the continued assistance of the normal school student , maintaining peer collaboration between the student and teacher understanding of the situation of temporary absence of students.
It is very important in this case , the interest of the partners . The companions were worried about the student not attending class. One's friends are those who help for the student is not delayed. Clear case of solidarity among teammates. In the afternoons after school , a fellow student went home to explain the subject taught in school.
The center is also vital because it performs all the modifications that are necessary to ensure that the student meets normally and have a sense of progress, so that their participation in academic tasks that arise. In fact , in school as much as possible try to individualize instruction for each student learning to make sense , delivering a well-defined work for teachers. Therefore, the teachers , with great patience and understand situations in their particular context and seek a viable curriculum for the student , making individual adjustment .
The key to understanding the actions carried out to identify the guidelines diferent truancy cases performance . Nationally, the Law on Education ( LOE , 2066 ) schools must ensure stable development of its students so that to make the necessary adjustments in the curriculum as needed . It also identifies regional public schools located in areas of socio- cultural risk . These centers Reiben more specific attention and greater human and material resources .
Keys to success with transfer are possible:
Unconditional collaboration with fellow students .
The flexibility of the curriculum .
Empathy on the part of teachers.
The plasticity of the school.
The direct involvement of teachers , guidance and management team .
The interest in teaching by students .