VS, a student of Brazilian origin, is currently attending the class Fourth economic enterprise course with good marks, but his school career has been often at risk of dropping to the negative results of the teaching program.
In 2007/2008 he attended the First class at the beginning with some success, but he was "postponed until September" in a discipline. At the September session he didn’t come because - then we will know – he was in Brazil with his parents; he was therefore rejected. So in 2008-2009 he began to repeat the First class but he retired within March 15; he was given the opportunity to attend the Second class as a listener to access in September at the aptitude tests. He passed the aptitude tests, by testing the whole program of the Second year for all disciplines and then, in 2009-2010 he began to attend the Third. This is a bad year for him: he showed little interest and little application in the study, underestimating the admission exams for the Professional Qualification where he was not admitted. This new rejection seemed to take him out of school, but thanks to dialogue with his teachers he repeated again in 2010-2011 the Third year and he followed brilliantly Operator Professional Qualification for Business Management. At the beginning of the Fourth year there was a new problem: the boy, whose family is in financial difficulties, began to work and he missed the classes leaving out the study. So in 2011-2012 he was rejected (for the third time!) for too many absences. Now, although he still work he has matured so is also able to manage his schooling: Fourth year is pursuing with good results and he is engaged in school-work, with secretarial services and filing at the Regional Education Office Tuscany by the Ministry of Education, as to be selected in this context for a pilot project to build a platform for online training.
Due to the repeated failures, the student was subject to a potential risk of dropping out and drop out. Thus teachers talked continuously to motivate him: they applied customized strategies and training to enhance his basic skills and citizenship. All of this has had very positive effects in maintaining the student in a regular course of study, despite the great delay now occurred.
The positive elements were therefore:
- The ability to listen actively and re-motivation by teachers
- The implementation of a teaching strategy for a "second chance" after the first rejection
- The development of practical skills and professional skills acquired in work experience in the implementation of training programs (work-study)
The strengths identified and replicated are therefore:
- Strong connotation of the mission of the Institute to contain early school leavers and drop out
- Strong attention of all members of the school community to build a good relational and motivational climate
- Strong planning obligation to activate individual student plans (stages)