Possible explanation of the success
• The headmaster’s resolution to come to grips with the problem of early school leaving and to establish a project approach. The headmaster identified a challenge for which he mobilised the educational team. He is a leader who encourages his team to seek solutions and not only to spot problems.
• EASI’s permanent interaction with the class of the student and the whole educational team.
• Additional subvention made it possible to make the device professional from its beginning.
Three teachers (1 full-time, 2 half time) were assigned to the device. Other teachers (including the sport teacher) brought support.
The EASI team could also call external trainers and received on “multiple intelligences”.
Two rooms were fit out and affected to EASI: one living space (in which meals are taken) and a working space (a classroom).
Interaction between the various actors involved
The way the device works involves many interactions:
• internally, contacts are permanent between the EASI team and the original class (through the organisation process) and with the whole educational team (through the Friday thematic drink, the class councils …) or with the parents (met at home if necessary);
• externally, collaborations with associations working in the neighbourhood, police services, youth protection services, various organisations for sport and cultural activities ...
There is a video on “integration” made by a class of the school in 2012, within the framework of the “ma classe fait sa TV” campaign (my classroom makes TV) organised by the Ministry of Education
Lien You tube :
Action of educational policy, either at local, regional or national level
This device is part of the school’s recognition as “encadrement différencié” (differentiated supervision) by the Ministry of Education.
The system is in effect since the school year 2010-2011 to guarantee for every first and second cycle student (mainly the third vocational year, the students of which have 33% chance not to get a diploma) equal chance of social emancipation in a good educational environment.
This recognition depends on the socio-economical grade of the area in which the school is located (income per inhabitant, diploma levels, unemployment rate, professional activity rate, accommodation comfort …).
It makes available additional human and financial means and involves synergies with local and regional associations operating in the area where the school is located.
The school commits itself to reinforce the command of basic learning and French language in particular, to fight school failure through immediate remediation and differentiated learning, and to prevent early school leaving and, therefore, possible incivilities and acts of violence.
Indeed, within EASI supervision is versatile: integration of immigrant students, students with learning difficulties, students with a negative relation to authority and peers …
Transferability potential of the experience
This device is not specific to schools recognised as “differentiated supervision”. Any school can develop an identical project.
A working group made up of teachers, educators, members of PMS teams and mediation ... meet in interaction with the headmaster to build the framework of the device and define its objectives.
The main objective of this reschooling device is to “reconcile the student with school” (to fight school leaving and demotivation and help the student in difficulty his idea of school and authority).
The device changes according to the school, the commitment and creativity of the educational team. It evolves year after year because it has good results.
Supervisions have various lengths: for some students one or two meetings are enough, for others, 30 hours are necessary. In other cases still, it is even longer: two to three weeks (renewable), or even three months (renewable).
The number of students also varies: 10 to 70, or 100 students per school year.
To work, the device needs various means:
• A multidisciplinary intervention team (teachers, educators, social workers, CPMS agent, mediators, collaborations with external services)
• Suitable premises (living space and classroom, for instance).
Funds for the staff assigned to the socialisation activities. In this regard, only schools recognised as “differentiated supervision” receive financial means from the Ministry of Education. Others must find a way to receive subvention or resort to voluntary work.