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Date: 2014.08.20
Posted by Ebru Arı (Turkey)
Message: This story remind me one of my friend in primary school. He was also son of a gipsy family . his family made Money by picking and selling old bottles and boxes. As it is predicted, their economical status was very low. Althogh we were very small, we can understand some emotions of him. For example, he was seen as a sad guy since he could not wear a new shoes and clothes . Those days, ı think that he was sad since he did not have new clothes, shoes or toys. II believe that not having such properties are important elements to have self esteem and Express himself/herself. Because of this reason, he was unable to express himself and his ideas. When he came in front of the class, he could not talk. Now, ı remembered that he looked his old shoes when he was in front of the classroom. I can give many example like this…. but, there is another important thing to be saying. After ı read this story, ı think that why our teacher did not make such kind of precautions to make school more attractive for our friend. I think that Mikaella’s teacher showed a very good behavior as the name of mainstreaming Mikaella. Herer, another important point to be said is the importance of teachers’ rokle. I believe that the role of a teacher is not only teach them. A teacher should also be a good observer and an active participator in students’ lives. In this story we show the benefits of a teachers’ observation about her student’s live and active role in his life.
Date: 2014.05.29
Posted by Chis Simona, "Alexandru cel Bun" High School, Botosani, [email protected] (Romania)
Message: I had a gypsy student last year (2012/2013). He was attending evening classes (he was over 18). He never had problems fitting in though he was coming from a poor family (raised by a single mother). But he was quite smart and had a pleasant personality. His marks were average. Unfortunately, he stopped coming to school for some reason and couldn't be contacted. He even changed his phone number.
Date: 2014.05.19
Posted by Christine CLOES (Belgium)
Message: This story shows that each situation is specific and adapted solutions can be found providing that teachers and classmates intend to help the pupil in difficulty. There is no limit to imagination and creativity to find a solution. Willingness and solidarity are powerful weapons to fight against discrimination and exclusion.
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.