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Date: 2014.08.19
Posted by Erdi Erdoğan (Turkey)
Message: The story is always close friends; in the case of a compatible family of a student going to class 1 was examined. The problem is the teacher who has decided to observe students. After 2-3 days the children's Nicos, Andrew began to flee. Andrew when he spoke with the teacher learns that his parents were separate. Andrew's family had financial problems. The problems described here, Nicos and Andrew, and the principal's approach to emerging issues are discussed.
Date: 2014.08.19
Posted by Volkan Akkurt (Turkey)
Message: We see another example of experience. It is related to two children who are good, smart and polite and good at their classes but still keen on playing with toys (in fact it is normal for those children in that age.) They share their toys but the boy does not give his toy back. He threatens his friend with money. That is to say, if the child does not give money, he won’t give it back. But fortunately again the teacher’s role has a great impact on the phase of solving problem. On the other hand, we should not underestimate the parents’ supervision at home. In this experience, we can see how important it is for a family member to supervise the little member of their family. As it can be seen in this story, a cooperation among the tutors, the parent and the manager of the school is necessary in order that the problem can be solved. If the mother didn’t inform the teacher that his child had some differences at home, the teacher wouldn’t realize the change on him. He wouldn’t be able to put any effort to solve the problem. From my point of view, they need one another because each group can have the information which is essential for the solution. They share the essential information which can contribute to solve the problem so much. I also think that this experience highlights what kind of responsibilities parents, headmasters and teachers have and how important they are. I can say that a parent always has an open eye on his/her child. When he/she realizes that something goes wrong in his/her child’s life, the teacher should be informed immediately so that the problem won’t become bigger and can be solved easily. There should be a good communication, in other words, a good cooperation between the teacher and the parent. We see another participant in the experience story, the headmaster. I believe that he definitely does the most appropriate thing. He talks to the mothers, the victim and the bully and the teachers. He also warns other students about the situation in order that another similar problem will not arise.
Date: 2014.05.31
Posted by Pilar Gómez Trujillo (Spain)
Message: In my opinion , it is a situation that may not live every day,
but that is very common in Spanish schools .
I think the most important in this situation and all
situations that are related to our students, is the work
teamwork between families and teachers. Together forever
We will build a more complete picture of the person to
help them grow , to live ... that 's what it is .
I have lived my life like master situations and is
essential to resolve these situations together, in the most
realistically as possible and also , so that learning involving
each of the parties. This example can recognize clear
the intervention process .
Sometimes we believe that children are too young or innocent to
venture into situations that threaten, abuse
power ... no one is free from it; and not be scared when
they arrive.
It is important to teach from very small , where the boundaries are ,
I can belong and what not ; How are my relationships with
others and how they should be ...
It is essential , and I think increasingly, be aware games
recess, signals that the family can recognize the
small details ... all part of their overall education , everything is
important and we believe it to help them grow as
persons and citizens.
Date: 2014.05.28
Posted by SORIN AIONESEI, "Alexandru cel Bun" High School, Botosani, [email protected] (Romania)
Message: Psychopaths are able to identify potential victims only by noticing how they walk. Using a simple nonverbal cue they can assess the vulnerability of a person and if they feel somebody is unsecured, they will take advantage of it.
Andrew is arguably not a psychopath, it would be a far-fetched comparison. But the basic psychology of a school bully is similar: spot the potential victim and use it in your own benefit, without showing any remorse. A bully is well aware of any sign of weakness and he divides his peers in two categories: people who can or who cannot be dominated, the victims and the rest.
The abilities a teacher has in monitoring the interactions which take place out of the classroom are paramount in preventing the escalation of bullying. Many of the disruptive behaviors of the little social predators who are lurking can be deterred, if the school has an active presence.
Last but not least, an “Andrew” appears and because a “Nikos” exists. In a bullying prevention strategy we should learn our students not to play the part of the victim.
Date: 2014.05.19
Posted by ANA ISABEL MATEUS SILVA (Portugal)
Message: I am very glad to read thatthe mother was aware enough to acknowledge the reactions in the child and took the problem to the teacher.
This situation happens often, but many parents do not observe early changes in the behavior of children.
Date: 2014.05.16
Posted by Christine CLOES (Belgium)
Message: This situation is really characteristic of the bullying phenomenon we can observe in all countries and at different education levels, from primary to secondary school.
The positive resolution of the story is due to various factors that have jointly worked to solve the situation: the awareness of the victim’s mother, the involvement of the teacher and the decision of the headmaster.
It is crucial not to authorize the “banalisation” of bullying events and to perceive the first signs both from the victim and the bully.
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.