January 2014, Technology High School ”Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt” Vorona, Botoșani County, Romania.
MB, 15 years old, 10th grade. Comes from a family with limited resources, father is unemployed, mother is also not working. In the same yard there are four families living together: the girl’s family, her grandmother and two uncles. The relationship between the members of the family is caracterized by conflicts. As all four families wanted to help with the girls’ education, she seized the opportunity and was acting in her own interest by manipulating the adults. She has an average IQ, modest results in school. As a result of the conflicts in the family she fled home several times.
Last Christmas, after meeting a boy, 12 years older than her, on a social web site, she fled to Brasov, at his house, not informing her parents about her intention. The parents panic and inform the Police about the missing girl. With the help of the Police they manage to contact her, and convince her, after a week, to come back home.
At the beginning of the second semester she informs her head-teacher that she wants to transfer to Brasov where she would be with her boyfriend who would support her.
The head-teacher contacts the school counselor. The student reports to the counselor’s office where she receives counselling. The parents are invited to the counselor and they discuss the issue.
As the Child Protection Agency was also informed, the social workers contact the girl’s boyfriend, explaining to him the consequences that may occur since the girl is still a minor.
Age and family environment determined the student to flee home.
The head-teacher and the school head-master have talked to both the student and the parents.
The student stayed in school continuing her education.
Strengths: Police intervention, Child Protection and School.
Weaknesses: family environment and the fact the parents lost control over her behavior.