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Date: 2014.08.20
Posted by Burçin Nural (Turkey)
Message: Self-esteem is a important problem for school life and normal life. Before the learning activities, we should ensure self esteem. Every students can have problems, if they have self-esteem, they can overcome every problems. In this story, teacher did her best. She scheduled levels and student started to programme. I think, most important point of this story is accepting the problem by the student. If student face with problems, students will become aware her/his features and can deal with problems.
Date: 2014.05.28
Posted by Nathalie Ruelle (Belgium)
Message: Starting with identifying the problem (contacting the family, teachers, etc.) and getting acquitted with the various factors such as students’ environment is certainly an essential basis to propose them her help them set small objectives.
In my opinion, to make the student change and turn them in an actor of this change can work only if one is interested in their own values and living environment.
During this intervention, and unlike what we generally experience at our level, the mother’s involvement and presence was undoubtedly a most positive factor to increase the young girl’s motivation.
As far as we are concerned, we face considerable difficulties when it comes to create a partnership between family and school.
Generally, parents feel that they have already tried all they could and see us as their saviours.
To bring the student’s relatives in the school and involve them again in their child’s education is often a challenge.
Date: 2014.05.16
Message: The experience narrated is very significant in several respects.
Firstly, I would like to underline that we clearly perceive how the teacher is involved in this story, both emotionally and professionally speaking. As evinced in the conclusion, success in difficult cases is an indisputable, fundamental value for our professional growth.
In analyzing the various aspects highlighted by the colleague, I feel it is necessary to attribute the key to success to two essential factors, the planning of the case study and the synergic activation of a network of targeted interventions. The approach of the study of Mihaela’s educational situation was based on objective criteria, both during the initial phase of gathering information and in the subsequent ongoing monitoring (by means of recognition and evaluation using “measurable” indicators). This aspect is very important, because it allows for easy verification of the situation in time and enables the school workers to complete a detailed analysis of the critical aspects and strengths of the chosen educational plan. The approach effectively integrated a plurality of actions taken on behalf of the student. The plan involved a parallel approach between curricular and extra-curricular activities to promote Mihaela’s sense of self-esteem, and served to counteract a lack of success often experienced in individual subjects.
In Italy, as is well known, since 1977, students with psychomotor disabilities (like Mihaela) are mainstreamed in the public school classes and are entitled to a support teacher that is assigned to their class. The support teacher accompanies the student throughout his/her scholastic career and collaborates with faculty members of the Class Council for the preparation of an individualized educational program that emphasizes the student’s potential and promotes social inclusion with peers.
Mihaela’s problem was addressed based on the efforts and dedication of a motivated teacher, who understood the importance of involving the student by making her an active participant in her own program. The teacher effectively utilized the support teachers offered by the scholastic institute to strengthen Mihaela where she needed it and she put the educational value of the teaching laboratory at the center of her learning process in order to integrate sectorial learning and social competencies that benefitted the entire class (not only Mihaela!).
Date: 2014.04.30
Posted by Sorin Aionesei (Romania)
Message: The story depicts the challenges involved by working with pupils who have learning disabilities, in the Romanian educational system.
Like other ideas borrowed from the Western pedagogy, the integration of people with learning difficulties involves a significant drawback: the scarce resources necessary to apply it, both human and financial. This is why people like Cioban Doina are a valuable asset, they compensate for the support the system struggles to provide.
During my teaching experiences I've noticed that pupils who are cognitively impaired seem to have a higher awareness as regards the personality of their peers and the relationships from the classroom. More often than not, they are astute observers of the human soul. I think it's a way their psyche strives for balance: it copes with the cognitive impairment by developing more the emotional intelligence.
As my fellow teacher accurately points out, one of the main issues we have to solve, when confronted with people having learning disabilities, is their lack of self confidence. This is why the teacher needs to build a close connection with the pupil, to help him discover his strengths and to convey him the message that he can achieve his goals as long as he is willing to believe in them.
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.