This happened in the academic year 2012-2013 on a Concerted School, in Nervion a neighborhood of Seville.
The student is 5 years old, who is in 1st year of elementary education. This student pertain to families with high economic level but low culture. No family member has studied and have a stable job. In the school are suspicions that the father is engaged in selling drugs, so the context in which the student develops is not very flattering and rewarding. The family lives in Palmete, a shantytown on the outskirts of Seville, in which are located drug business and families of different ethnicities.
At home live 5 people permanently. Brother has no education beyond obligatory, and this student is just showing interest in the school, admits he enjoys school and learning .
From the school tried to talk to parents to regulate the situation of children, because they were not wearing school regularly not even interested in academic status, and at first he proposed from the school to the family that involve in tasks, but this attempt had no success.
In this school of the path and knew the family because older siblings student school had already been there before. In this particular case the student was the one who wanted to study, and nonconformity showed with the decision of the fathers, he wanted to go to school permanently, so the school with parents decided to establish a series of meetings, which they consisted perform them much to talk about the situation. The school explained the potential first son , intentándoles motivate, but still felt that formal education did not have any utility in life. After seeing that the position of the family was immovable, the location of the school was raised before truancy cases , because if the student does not attend class must initiate regulated by the Council of Seville protocol, which implies the involvement of social issues. This option interest them more, they do not want trouble with the authorities , so we advise you to try to control the situation.
With respect to direct contact with students, school teachers believe they are more effective demonstrations of affection and appreciation with the boy.
So the problem was the lack of parental school education for their children, lack of communication and understanding by the family and the school, and of course the lack of media that supported good style parental.