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Date: 2014.05.28
Posted by Nathalie RUELLE (Belgium)
Message: Unfortunately, nowadays we meet young people who are “broken” by the traditional education system, which often refers to an antique norm to classify them.
In our reschooling service called “l'Assise”, the “mental management” module helps us not only know educational difficulties but also better target the help the school can provide: working method, remediation, etc.
Example: we sometimes face dyscalculia, should we therefore think the student is unable to pursue studies?
With as much gentleness as possible, we try to change people’s conceptions so that all young people have equal chances of success despite difficulties. Often teachers label students as lazy after poor results during assessments.
After a visit (tests) in “mental management”, and when we detect problems such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc., and going back to the teacher, the latter views the student in a different light, which improves, most of the times, greatly the relations and results.
Date: 2014.05.16
Message: The experience described by the Romanian colleagues really hit home with me: I taught High School Math for 14 years, and for the past eight years, I have been a support teacher for scientific subjects. Therefore, I have had the opportunity to personally, experience the difficulty students often have with this subject.
In relation to this beautiful story, I would like to propose some points for reflection.
As evidenced in the narrative, the first regards the emotional/motivational aspect connected to the subject matter.
Mathematics, unlike many other disciplines, such as, for example, national or foreign languages has, as its sole transmission channel, the teacher who teaches it. Traditional "cultural" mediators for children and adolescents, such as television, music, video games, etc. do not teach Math skills. In fact, the knowledge of this particular subject may be poorly enriched by the network of learning methodologies, which represents an integral part of the experiential knowledge and skills of our students. Therefore, the point made by the authors of this experience, regarding how an initial negative impact may provoke a negative “personification” of Math for future years may be valid. Oftentimes, students with terrible experiences in this discipline tend to identify the subject matter with the teacher and are unable to separate the problems encountered in the discipline from the teacher doing the teaching.
When considering this argument, Math has always been perceived by both students and families (and in some cases, unfortunately, also by school operators) as the principle indicator of intelligence itself. Based on that consideration, it is unnecessary to emphasize how emotionally debilitating a lack of success could prove to be, especially when one does not have adequate psychological defense mechanisms to deal with such difficulties.
In the last analysis, I would like to focus on the importance of the awareness of one’s own potential, oftentimes lacking in our apparently more fragile students. In this way, the role of the “teacher” or “authority” is fundamental and serves to encourage the student to consider the error made as a moment of growth. Teachers who use the instrument of moral gratification (and also material!) offer valid tools for the promotion of success training.
I would like to conclude by observing that in the second phase of this story, all the components that contribute to a constructive training ratio (teaching / learning, family support, conscious study of the boy) found the perfect balance for a happy ending, and without a doubt a good start for the future life of the Romanian student!
Date: 2014.05.05
Posted by Ilias Gouvelis (Greece)
Message: The experience of a teacher is very important.
The teacher had to ask for help from other more experienced teachers.
Cause of these situations the educational system has to "examine" intensively the educational background of every teacher.
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.