Aspects to consider:
Period and place in which the experience took place
The workshop was held at the school in the afternoon of school, during normal period of school.
Regarding main actors involved , these are the profile of the students
- Italian Students with learning disabilities (Special Educational Needs, Specific Learning difficulties, disabled).
- - Foreign students with language difficulties.
- - Students with poor socialization and interaction.
- - Students with a passion for theater and acting.
- Description of the factual events
The laboratory began in October 2012, with weekly meetings of two hours. The representation was made in November 2013. The first meetings were focused on the knowledge of the group and socialization activities for the acquisition of the techniques of acting, diction and storage . Gambling activities to interpret a text and understand the psychology of the characters. Lessons to learn about the major theatrical facilities to make a show : set design, script, costumes, lighting , music, sound .
The theater group has chosen to represent whole thing . The theme chosen , given the occasion of the bicentenary of the publication of the book " Fairy Tales " by the Brothers Grimm , was that of the contemporary reinterpretation of some fairy tales choices: "Red Riding Hood ", " Hansel and Gretel ," " Cinderella " and " The Bremen Town Musicians . " Using the technique of " circle time " students , after reading the original fairy tales , were compared on the present and the stories have emerged elements characterizing the individual stories .
Little Red Riding Hood : And ' the eternal conflict between parents and teenagers , between the experience and the desire to protect their children from their parents , and the other children with their eagerness to discover the world, to have new experiences , to explore life , to escape from the domestic routine .
Hansel and Gretel : The fairy tale has been updated imperniandola on the problem of anorexia , a disease in which the two brothers have fallen ( Gianna and Angel ) because of the lack of interest on the part of their parents , unable to understand the difficulties of their adolescence. The character is played by a witch doctor of a rehabilitation center food . " Anorexia " , personified by a voice that echoed off stage and into the minds of two boys, is the disease that will undermine the two teenagers .
Cinderella : Each Other classic tale by the Brothers Grimm , but made it fun and current in the construction of new characters, who want to emerge at all costs . Appear and " not" seem to be the motto of a youth without ideals , but among them there are those who hope for a better world. The Bremen Town Musicians : News tragicomic set in a home for the elderly , where four old men ( note the four musicians ) are tired of their lives on that sad reception facility , will reveal their frustrations , limitations to which they are subject and not willing to resign to run out their lives in a shabby shelter , they will rebel planning and looking for a different future.
Actions carried out to identify the causes of the students difficulties
Interviews with the coordinators of the class.
Reports received by individual teachers.
Reports received from the door of the psychological school.
Demands of individual students.
Actions carried out to solve the situation
Activities to improve their self-esteem.
Working in a group as a group, sharing successes and difficulties.
Get in the game to overcome their insecurities.
Games of socialization for the aggregate group.
Compare to promote linguistic and cultural contamination.
Sharing emotions and feelings.
Use of different languages (oral, written, gestural, body, etc.).
Problems encountered
Empowerment of the boys against the commitments.
Coordination of all initiatives relating to the management bureaucratic - administrative (management of the laboratory spaces, theatrical, practical boot for the authorization and payment of fees for the theater).
Support received by fellow students, colleagues, school management and parents
Support of the technical staff of the school with regard to space and technical aspects.
Collaboration of some teachers as actors, with respect to the writing of the script and the creation of theater.
Involvement of parents in their children's afternoon commitments from the accompaniment to the tests to the creation of the costumes.
The boys in the lab have involved some classmates during construction.
Results achieved
Graphic design of a poster advertising the show.
Final performance of the show in a theater in the city, in the presence of friends, parents and teachers.
Shooting video of the entire show and production of a DVD to be delivered to all participants.
Strengths and weaknesses of the experience
- Involvement of students with difficulties of various kinds.
- - Sharing of emotions and feelings with the use of the fairy tale.
- - Staying well together to form a heterogeneous group.
- - Motivation to do "non-school" that arouse the interest of students.
- - To enhance students' skills, other than those properly at school.
- - Participation of some teachers as actors.
- weaknesses
- Lack of funding to enhance the work of teachers, played in volunteer mode.
- - Greater involvement, understanding, involvement and participation of the teachers of the class of pupils involved in the activities.
- - Enhancement of the educational effort - teaching done by the volunteers of the theater professors in the College of Teachers.
- - Continuity in future years in this activity through the involvement of new faculty and motivated.