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Date: 2014.08.20
Posted by Ebru Arı (Turkey)
Message: School shelters different student profiles. Because of this, teacher should be aware of student’s and classroom’s demographical features. Immigrant students have some problems, especially in teaching and speaking language. If student doesn’t know and speak country’s language, he / she is bored in school. Besides, they have difficulty in gaining bond of friendship. Main problem for nearly all of immigrant students is language deficiency. Before the teaching activities, we should solve to this big problem. If our school have sufficient economic condition, school can arrange language programmes with different language courses. If school doesn’t have sufficient economic conditions, language teaching teachers should arrange language learning programmes. In this story, school is very effective for solving to Italian language problem. For us, our starting point must be same like this school. Well grasped language is very important for learning activities and future of student’s life. We shoud never give up understanding to student.If we act likewise this story, our student start to make friendship with her/his pers and socialise.Then, we can use cooperation based learning strategy for integrate to student effectively. This strategy will gain to bond of friendship and solidarity between peers.
Date: 2014.05.30
Posted by Jose María Arias (Spain)
Message: I thought it was an interesting story , with two key points for success with the student . On the one hand it is essential to the attention of school to welcome the new student at school , making programs like the Italian language immersion . Moreover, I find it interesting that the school take into account the priorities of the student own , because you just want it to work as a hairdresser , and for this the teacher 's help .
In Spain in particular, when a new student comes from another country to an educational center, a host plan , which is the set of actions that an educational center launched to facilitate the adaptation of immigrant students who joins the Center is done . In order to systematize these actions, let schools contained in a reference document steps or decisions taken for later use in similar cases.
These guidelines refer to the host student coming from other countries, and that to carry out a process of school adjustment and learning the language . The realization of the activities of each host plan will depend on the context and reality of each center , the characteristics of teachers and students , individually and in groups, and families.
School student and socioeconomic conditions of the family can be very diverse , but in any case necessarily arises an adaptation process that can facilitate action host , and it is therefore necessary to carefully study the particular case.
The ultimate goals of the plan are welcome , priority .
• Take Center related changes in cultural interaction with students from other countries .
• Getting the new student to understand the functioning of the Centre and will meet peers and teachers .
The Integration Plan will be included in the School Educational Project .
I hope this information will be very useful.
Date: 2014.05.30
Posted by Georgia Latta (Greece)
Message: The experience described is similar to many others that are present in our schools in Greece.
Children and adolescents immigrants have to face the dual challenge posed by
processes of development and acculturation. Besides interatomic agents, adaptation
these students depends in addition to the important social contexts with which they interact
daily, such as family and school.
Therefore, the outcome of this process does not relate
only migrants themselves students, and the wider Greek society.
Date: 2014.05.21
Posted by Luciano Luongo E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] (Istituto " Datini " Prato Italy)
Message: The experience described is similar to many others that are present in our schools. School often fails to respond effectively and the risk of early school leaving is quite high. The positive aspect is related to the bond that the school has managed to keep with the girl, not to mention her motivation to attend a vocational course outside the school. The school has taken charge of the psychological and relational problems of the girl, and, through an alternating learning path, has kept her in touch with her school mates, ensuring emotional continuity with the class group. When you are a foreigner and you do not speak the language of the country that hosts you, you may feel unrelated to everything that is happening around you, so many students are at risk of estrangement and lack of motivation in the study. Feeling accepted is the first step towards integration.
If you had a similar experience, please describe:
• background of student involved
• behaviour of other students
• behaviour of parents
• cooperation received from the other teachers
• your behaviour
• results achieved
20 December 2014
Final Partners’ meeting
The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.