Description of Contents
This tool for students was developed within the framework of the “Stay@School” project dedicated to early school leaving prevention.
It is the result of a collaboration between the organisation Inforef and a working group made up of different actors of education in French-speaking Belgium (the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles): teachers, educators, school mediators, headmasters, youth aid services, psychologists, services of the Ministry of Education ...
“You have difficulties at school? You think you’re not smart enough to succeed? You don’t feel you belong? You don’t know who to turn to? … “.
The “Stay@School” blog aims to inform students, help them think, give them the chance to express themselves, prompt debate on issues related to early school leaving.
The homepage displays six real testimonies of teenagers who had problems at school but were not able to talk about it and dropped out of school … Each testimony is illustrated by a video.
The testimonies are related to problems teenagers are often confronted to. These are learning difficulties but also, problems related to integration, guidance, bullying, family and personal problems.
Discovering the testimonies and videos, the students will be able to identify themselves (or some of their schoolmates) in the situations evoked.
They may have better solutions than those proposed in the videos, advice … Their opinions can change the course of things.
The blog aims to foster reflexions, either through discussion with other teenagers or adults (a teacher an educator, a parent ...) on those problems, or commenting on a video, asking a question (anonymously if they wish).
The blog also provides students with a concrete object, “the Cube”, they can use to complete their reflexions.
In the Cube, beside the testimonies related to the videos, it is possible to introduce notes, reflexions, drawings ... through an opening. Those ideas can be used for future thoughts.
The Cube is adjustable. Students can make it their own and edit it. They can search other videos. They can also change the testimonies in relation to their school environment.
The blog is accessible for free. The testimonies, videos and instructions are available in English and in French.
The product is a result of this previous project
Title of the project
The School Inclusion Project Transfer of Innovation
Funding Programme
Lifelong Learning Programme : Leonardo Da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation
Istituto Professionale F. Datini (Italy)
Project number